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7th International Symposium Global Mental Health

3. September 2015

31. Oktober 2015, München, Deutschland. Mental Health in Developing Countries The CIHLMU Center for International Health, the Global Mental Health GroupLMU at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, and the International Network for Cooperation in Mental Health (i.nez), are organizing the 7th International Symposium on “Global Mental Health – Mental […]

ÖÄK Zertifikatslehrgang Angiologische Basisdiagnostik

3. September 2015

Start: 28. November 2015, Graz, Österreich. Ziel Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer erwerben Grundkompetenzen auf dem Gebiet der Gefäßmedizin und erlernen die praktische Durchführung der Bestimmung des Knöchelarmindex mit Hilfe des Doppler Ultraschalls. Themen Der Lehrgang vermittelt Grundkenntnisse über periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheiten und der venösen Thromboembolie: – Häufigkeit und Entstehung – Bedeutung […]

Algorithms for DNA Sequencing – Online Course

2. September 2015

Start: 5th October 2015 – online course by the John Hopkins University. About the Course DNA sequencing is now a ubiquitous tool in life science. You can observe this trend just by reading the news. This course examines the computational problems that come with this onslaught of DNA sequencing data. How do we take a […]

Communication Tips – Directive Skills Part 1: Open Questions

1. September 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a professional or a pre-professional? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers? Improve your directive skills by trying the […]

Master in Public Health in Australien und 1x um den Erdball

1. September 2015

Erfahrungsbericht von Marlene Brettenhofer. Meine Stationen im Überblick 3 Monate Südostasien (Thailand, Kambodscha, Vietnam, Laos) – knapp 2 Jahre Australien – 5 Wochen Neuseeland – 3 Monate Kolumbien Der Anfang… Nach dem Abschluss des Magisterstudienganges an der Fachhochschule Pinkafeld in der Fachrichtung Gesundheitsmanagement und ‑förderung startete ich im Bereich der […]

European Health Award 2015: Shortlist announced!

25. August 2015

30th September to 02nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. Six cross-border health projects have now been short-listed for the prestigious European Health Award 2015. They cover topics such as migrant health, mental health, evidence-based health promotion, the European Patients‘ Rights Directive 2011/24/EU, TeleMedicine, cross-border inpatient treatment, and promotion of nutrition […]

XVII. Humanitarian Congress Berlin: Understanding Failure – Adjusting Practice

21. August 2015

9th and 10th October 2015, Berlin, Germany The Humanitarian Congress Berlin brings together about 700 international participants and distinguished speakers to discuss medical and political challenges in humanitarian aid. This year focuses on recognizing and responding to failure. Topics include the role of media in directing public attention, flight over […]

How to apply for research funding: 10 tips for academics

19. August 2015

Article by Helen Lock, published in „The Guardian“ on 10th May 2015, sponsored by Coventry University. Grant writing is time-consuming, tedious and the success rates are depressing. How can researchers make the process less stressful?   Winning funding for your research ideas is tough, and there is growing pressure in […]

2nd V4 Conference on Public Health 2015

19. August 2015

17th and 18th September 2015, Zabrze, Poland. Health for public, public for health. Welcome to the 2nd V4 conference on public health „Health for public, public for health“. Tygiel Foundation and School of Public Health, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice and Silesia Division of Polish Public Health Association (PTZP)proudly […]

Paris World Health Organization Simulation

19. August 2015

25th to 27th September 2015, Paris, France. The Paris World Health Organization Simulation (ParisWHO) is a 3-day student-led conference hosted in beautiful Paris, France by members of the Secretariat & EHESP. As the hub of all public health networks, this annual event will be the first of its kind in Paris and will follow […]