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The Word Brain – fast language learning

23. Juli 2015

A short guide to fast language learning – by Bernd Sebastian Kamps. How long does it take to learn a new language? How many words do you need to learn? Are languages within the reach of everybody? Which teachers should we avoid? These are some of the questions you ask […]

Länderinformation Norwegen

7. Juli 2015

Inhalt: 1. Das Gesundheitssystem 2. Arbeiten in Norwegen 3. Das medizinische Ausbildungssystem 4. Das medizinische Weiterbildungssystem 5. Arbeitsbedingungen und Entlohnung 6. Berufs- und Arbeitsmobilität in der EU – Rechtliche Bestimmungen 7. Anerkennung von Berufsdiplomen 8. Checkliste zur Vorbereitung Ihrer ärztlichen Tätigkeit 9. Tipps für Ihre Bewerbung 10. Anerkennung von Weiterbildungszeiten […]

Mastering Professional Interactions

24. Juni 2015

One-Day workshops in autumn 2015, London, Birmingham, Leeds, United Kingdom. You may not have realised, but a third of patients making a complaint or claim have been urged to do so by other doctors. When the care of a patient passes between doctors or when two doctors disagree over the […]

MSc Molecular Biotechnology

24. Juni 2015

Start: late September 2015, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Course Outline & Modules: Industrial biotechnology (known mainly in Europe as “white biotechnology”) is the application of biotechnology for industrial purposes e.g.  the use of cells (mammalian and microbial) to perform chemical processing, such as waste recycling, or to produce materials, such as […]

XV World Congress of Arrhythmias

24. Juni 2015

17th to 20th September 2015, Beijing, China. With autumn comes the moment of harvest, it will also be a golden occasion in Beijing. In September 2015, notable experts and scholars of Arrhythmias all over the world will gather in Beijing to participate in the 15th World Congress of Arrhythmias. This […]

Master of Public Health at UNSW Sydney

20. Juni 2016

Start: Spring 2017, Sydney, Australia. Program Description The Master of Public Health (MPH) at UNSW Sydney is widely recognised as essential for a career in population health, including health promotion, primary health care, policy formulation, research, and management of health programs. Many of our graduates occupy key positions in health […]

15th International Thyroid Congress (ITC)

23. Juni 2015

18th to 23rd October 2015, Orlando, USA. The ITC is a collaborative meeting held every fifth year by the four world thyroid associations: ATA, Asia-Oceania Thyroid Association (AOTA), European Thyroid Association (ETA), and Latin American Thyroid Society (LATS). Each society hosts the ITC on a rotating basis. In the year of […]

ESC Congress 2015

23. Juni 2015

29th August to 2nd September 2015, London, United Kingdom. “ The spotlight this year: Environment and the Heart“ The world’s largest and most influential cardiovascular event contributing to global awareness of the latest clinical trials and breakthrough discoveries. 5 days of scientific sessions 150 CV Topics 27 000+ healthcare professionals […]

EPSRC Congress 2015

23. Juni 2015

27th to 30th August 2015, Hamburg, Germany. This EPSRC meeting is meant to provide a valuable means of disseminating information and ideas through an informal and friendly atmosphere. This allows high quality discussion and interaction on evidence-based studies and translational research in all technical disciplines of plastic and reconstructive surgery, […]

Communication Tips – Responding to Cues during Consultation

23. Juni 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a professional or a pre-professional? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work  or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers? Boost your professional interactions by trying the […]