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4th International Festival of Public Health

26. Mai 2015

2nd July 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom ‚Global Health: the Good, the Bad and the Economy‘ The University of Manchester is proud to announce the 4th annual International Festival of Public Health UK on Thursday July 2nd, 2015 in association with the Manchester Medical Society Public Health Forum and cities@manchester. The […]

Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 2015

26. Mai 2015

24th to 27th August 2015, Manila, Philippines Get involved in shaping the future The Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 2015 aims to identify solutions to the world’s unmet health needs through research and innovation As world leaders shift their focus to the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, increased […]

3rd International Congress of Person Centred Medicine

26. Mai 2015

29th to 31st October 2015, London, United Kingdom Celebrating Primary Care Achievements The Department of Primary Care & Public Health (PCPH) at Imperial College London (ICL) is part of the Imperial School of Public Health’s Faculty of Medicine. The core mission of PCPH is to achieve better health through strengthening the […]

Communication Tips – Picking up Cues during Consultation

20. Mai 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a professional or a pre-professional?  Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Boost your professional interactions by trying the following tips. Cues are signals by one person that are picked up by another. During a medical consultation, they generally point […]

CAS in Epidemiologie und Biostatistik

23. April 2015

28.Mai bis 18. Dezember 2015, Basel, Zürich und Bern, Schweiz           Im Zertifikatsstudiengang erwerben Teilnehmende Kompetenzen, um –  Krankheits- und Gesundheitsprobleme der Bevölkerung ebenso wie die Wirksamkeit entsprechender Interventionen zu beschreiben und zu bewerten – für Entscheidungsträger in Politik, Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und Verbänden wissenschaftsbasiert und nachvollziehbar […]

Workshop-Sketch Course for Surgeons

24. April 2015

May and October 2015, Vienna, Austria Over 100 years ago, to become a master of cabinet making, in addition to your ­handicraft years, you had to enlist at the Academy of Fine Arts for half a year. Why is it not necessary for Esthetic Surgery? Medicine and medical education used […]

Health and Human Rights

24. April 2015

1st to 12th June 2015, Heidelberg, Germany This course of study covers the general concepts and principles of human rights, their relationship to, and impact within the health sector. The course will use case studies from numerous countries, with a focus on low and middle-income countries, and the experiences of […]

Fortbildung zur Raucherberatung & Raucherentwöhnung

22. April 2015

Fortbildung zur Raucherberatung & Raucherentwöhnung Ab 15. September 2015, Graz, Österreich  Angehörige von Gesundheitsberufen sind wesentliche Ansprechpartner in Fragen der Raucherberatung und -entwöhnung. Die Fortbildung zur Raucherberatung und Raucherentwöhnung wurde nach internationalen Standards, Leitlinien und Best-Practice-Modellen in der Tabakentwöhnung erstellt. Sie gliedert sich in 6 Module, welche unabhängig voneinander besucht […]

Körper und Gefühl: Kreative Ansätze der Psychotherapie

8. April 2015

9. Mai 2015, Heidelberg, Deutschland Vor gut einem Jahr ging es um Gefühlsregulation, Achtsamkeit und Selbstmitgefühl. Die Tagung wurde sehr positiv aufgenommen und es gab spannende Vorträge und Workshops. Dieser kreativ-integrative Ansatz wird nun fortgeführt – diesmal wieder in den Räumen der Stadthalle Heidelberg. In diesem Jahr geht es um […]

European Cancer Congress (ECC2015)

30. April 2015

25th to 29th September 2015, Vienna, Austria Reinforcing multidisciplinarity The 18th ECCO – 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress (ECC2015) is the largest event this year to present new data and ground-breaking information to oncology professionals.  This years‘ Congress is proud to introduce several other remarkable “firsts”! For the first time, […]