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mHealth – Mobile Phones for Public Health online certificate course

12. März 2015

30th March to 24th April 2015, online course by TechChange Mobile technologies and networks are increasingly expanding in their sophistication and capacity, and new applications are enhancing the ways in which individuals interact and engage in transactions – resulting in widespread systems disruption. In global health, mobile technologies are beginning […]

International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2015

25. März 2015

9th to 12th June, 2015, Valencia, Spain ICVR is an international conference series that provides an overview of novel technologies and clinical developments in the field of virtual reality and augmented reality applied to rehabilitation. In 2015 we are partnering with the International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurorehabilitation (ICRAN […]

4th World Congress of Clinical Safety

25. März 2015

28th to 30th September 2015, Vienna, Austria This Vienna Congress is organized by IARMM to improve and promote high advanced safe and clean science and technology in both risk and crisis management and governance. The congress covers a wide range of topics such as patient safety, medication safety, infectious disease […]

Communication Tips – Honest Language

23. März 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a medical professional who uses a foreign language at work? Boost your professional interactions by trying the following tips. How you say things can be as important as what you say.  You are more likely to have effective and satisfying consultations with […]

MedAT – Aufnahmeverfahren Medizin

2. März 2015

Anmeldung von 02. bis 31. März 2015, online Ab sofort beginnt die Anmeldung für das Studium der Medizin, Veterinärmedizin, und zum Beispiel Psychologie. Einheitlich sind sowohl die Fristen als auch die Aufnahmetests für das Medizinstudium. Wer 2015/16 seine Ausbildung an der Medizin-Uni Wien, MedUni Graz oder MedUni Innsbruck bzw. an der […]

Grant Funding and Proposal Writing Essentials Course

2. Februar 2015

25th to 27th March 2015, Philadelphia, USA Results Oriented Training and Certification for Professional Proposal Writers  Led by seasoned practitioners who are experts in the field of grantsmanship and proposal writing, our programs are intended to generate tangible results for any proposal writer. The economy demands results driven professionals who […]

Hämostaseologischer Intensivworkshop für OP und Intensivstation

23. Februar 2015

24. und 25. April 2015, St.Gallen, Schweiz Haemostasis in Critical Care Die Zunahme zivilisationsbedingter Krankheitsbilder (koronare Herzkrankheit, Vorhofflimmern, Schlaganfall, periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit, venöse Thrombembolie, etc.) hat zur Folge, dass zunehmend mehr Patienten mit Antikoagulanzien wie Thrombozytenaggregationshemmern, Vitamin-K-Antagonisten oder neuen oralen Antikoagulanzien behandelt werden. Für Anästhesisten, Intensivmediziner und Hämostaseologen bedeutet dies im Spannungsfeld […]

International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT

23. Februar 2015

03rd to 05th May 2015 , Madrid, Spain The ICNC meeting has been a key international scientific event for nuclear cardiology and cardiac CT imaging for more than 20 years. It provides the opportunity for clinicians and scientists from all over the world to gather to learn about new advances […]

Communication Tips – Use of Silence

11. März 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a medical professional who uses a foreign language at work? Boost your professional interactions by trying the following tips. Verbal Encouragement– Use of Silence Sometimes, silence can be used to facilitate conversation. Often, you can guess the patient’s reason for silence using […]

3. Fachtagung Prostatakarzinom

25. Februar 2015

10. April 2015, Wien, Österreich Wir möchten Sie auf diesem Wege recht herzlich zur 3. Fachtagung Prostatakarzinom mit einem EAU 2015 Update einladen. Im Rahmen dieser Tagung möchten wir in kompakter Form im ersten Block sechs aktuelle Aspekte des Prostatakarzinoms diskutieren. Die Themenwahl spannt sich vom Stellenwert des Multiparameter MRT und dem optimalen […]