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12. Europäischer Gesundheitskongress München

19. September 2013

10. und 11. Oktober, München, Deutschland Der 12. Europäische Gesundheitskongress München findet nach drei großen Wahlen statt: In Deutschland, in Bayern und in Österreich wird im Herbst entschieden. Entschieden wird auch, ob die Gesundheitspolitik weitergeführt wird – eventuell mit neuen Akzenten – oder ob es gar einen Kurswechsel gibt. Der […]

Advanced Wilderness Life Support Course

3. September 2013

23rd to 26th January 2014, Kinlock Lodge, New Zealand The AWLS program focuses on treatment of the most common injuries and illnesses encountered in wilderness, making the AWLS® certification the standard in the medical industry for wilderness medicine. The Southland Wilderness Medicine Group provides Medical training for Health Professionals with […]

Current Concepts in Medicine Gastroenterology & Cardiology

12. September 2013

26 th November to 11th December 2013, Vietnam & Cambodia   Whether your goal is to be educated, to escape the office, or experience the ancient wonders of Southeast Asia, you will return from this CME cruise accomplishing much more. Explore the stunningly scenic and culturally distinctive lands that lie along the […]

15th Humanitarian Congress Berlin

23. September 2013

    25th to 27th October 2013, Berlin, Germany Building on the success of last year’s congress, the XV. Humanitarian Congress Berlin to be held 25 – 27th October 2013 will unite more than 70 international experts in over 20 lectures, workshops, case studies and panel discussions. This year’s topic […]

6th European Public Health Conference

16. August 2013

13th to 16th November 2013,  Brussels, Belgium Health in Europe: are we there yet? Learning from the past, building the future The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) are pleased to invite you to the 6th joint conference […]

International Dementia Conference

24. September 2013

6th and 5th  November, Phoenix, USA Providing Cutting Edge Information and Training for Dementia Therapy Over the two days, delegates will have the opportunity to attend 8 interactive workshops and listen to some cutting edge speakers from the USA and UK. These include Dr Dan Nightingale, a leading dementia doctor […]

The EU Aid Volunteers‘ initiative

20. September 2013

      Humanitarian organisations need more well-prepared and trained people to carry out projects helping communities struck by disasters. The EU Aid Volunteers‘ initiative intends to provide Europeans interested to help with the opportunity to provide their support in the countries where help is needed. The majority of the […]

Fachtagung: Krankengeschichte

2. September 2013

12. November 2013,  Wien, Österreich NEU: ELGA & E-Medikation Rechtliche Fragen der Dokumentation im medizinischen Bereich, die Datensicherheit sowie die Übermittlung der Krankengeschichte etc. spielen im medizinischen Alltag eine wesentliche Rolle: In welchem Umfang ist zu dokumentieren? Wer hat das Recht, in die Krankengeschichte Einsicht zu nehmen? Darf man telefonische […]

Dementia Scotland 2013: a national priority

29. August 2013

21st October 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland Following the publication of Scotland’s second National Dementia Strategy in June 2013, this conference provides an excellent platform to consider the opportunities for its implementation. Working in association with Alzheimer Scotland, we are putting together a programme of outstanding speakers who will discuss how best […]

1. Universitätslehrgang „Natural Medicine“

12. August 2013

24. Oktober 2013, Krems, Österreich Informationsabend: 18. September 2013 um 18.00 Uhr, Donau-Universität Krems, Österreich Going International – going integrative – going NATURAL MEDICINE Im Oktober startet an der Donau-Universität in Krems erstmalig in Europa ein Ausbildungsgang in „Natural Medicine“ – integrative Naturheilkunde, bei dem ein fundiertes und breitgefächertes Wissen […]