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World Hepatitis Day 2023

6. Juli 2023

8th July 2023, worldwide. Every year, more than a million lives are lost to hepatitis. We’re not waiting for change – we’re fighting to make it happen. People living with viral hepatitis unaware can’t wait for testing People living with hepatitis can’t wait for life saving treatments Expectant mothers can’t wait for hepatitis screening and treatment […]


6. Juli 2023

13. bis 16. September 2023, Düsseldorf, Deutschland. Es lohnt sich, vom 13. – 16. September 2023 in Düsseldorf dabei zu sein: Sie erleben die weltweit größte Fachmesse für Rehabilitation und Pflege mit der größten Bandbreite an Marktteilnehmern live vor Ort. Das erwartet Sie: Internationale Produktschau für Hilfsmittel Rund 600 Aussteller […]

15th Congress for Integrative Medicine 2nd World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health

6. Juli 2023

20th to 23rd September 2023, Rome, Italy. The 2nd World Congress  WCIMH  arises from multiple needs: first of all, that of selecting and presenting the best research activities conducted worldwide, in the experimental and clinical fields, on traditional, complementary and integrative medicine and health. Research that aims to advance theoretical […]

Foresight Approaches in Global Public Health

6. Juli 2023

Self-paced, online. The course “Foresight Approaches in Global Public Health” provides an overview of various methods and tools that can be used to understand emerging trends and changes with a futuristic lens and to explore their potential impacts on global public health. Foresight creates space for thinking about new opportunities […]

Wilderness Medicine CME- Santiago, Chile

6. Juli 2023

29th September to 1st October 2023, Santiago, Chile. MP is designed for medical professionals of all levels (MD, EMT, PA, NP, RN, etc) that have an interest in expanding their knowledge of wilderness medicine pathology and enhancing their practical skills in a wilderness environment. During this  in-person course, students will […]

H.E.L.P. in Tokyo 2023

6. Juli 2023

4th to 15th September 2023, Tokyo, Japan. The H.E.L.P. in Tokyo 2023 seeks to train professionals in the principles and practice of humanitarian action in response to disasters and major health crisis, with a focus on health needs, public health and healthcare responses, humanitarian law and ethics; and contribute to […]

Magnetic Resonance Image Guided Radiotherapy (MRIgRT)

6. Juli 2023

25th to 26th September 2023, London, Great Britain. An opportunity to broaden your understanding of the capabilities and potential of MRI guidance in radiotherapy planning and treatment verification. We invite you to join us to hear from leading practitioners in the field, develop skills and share knowledge with other professionals […]

Sportärztewoche 2023

4. Juli 2023

7. bis 13. Dezember 2023, Salzburg, Österreich. Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde der Sportmedizin, Sportphysiotherapie und Sportwissenschaft! Wir möchten Sie herzlich zur Sportärztewoche 2023, die vom 7.12. bis 13.12. im wunderschönen Kaprun stattfindet, einladen. Da wir Ihnen noch mehr Themen und Inhalte bieten wollen, haben wir unsere Veranstaltung erweitert. Unser Programm […]

Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal Study in South Africa

12. Juni 2023

The Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, in partnership with the MRC/Wits Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit (Agincourt) of the University of the Witwatersrand was awarded a P01 grant in 2013 from the National Institute on Aging to study the drivers and consequences of HIV and non-communicable diseases in an aging population in […]

6. Österreichischer Palliativtag

9. Juni 2023

22. September 2023, Wien, Österreich und online. Im Namen von OA Dr. Dietmar Weixler, MSc, Mag. pharm. Elisabeth Steiner, Manuela Wasl, MSc und Mag. Viktoria Wentseis möchten wir Sie sehr herzlich zum 6. Österreichischen Palliativtag am 22. September 2023 im Haus der Ingenieure in Wien einladen. Das Hauptthema der diesjährigen Tagung ist: „ZWISCHEN(den)WELTEN […]