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Health Care Economics

7. Juni 2023

9th August to 20th September 2023, online. What are the primary drivers of rising health care costs? How does money shape your decision-making as a patient? As a provider? As a payer? Even for those within the health care industry, the economics of the United States health care system are […]

Viszeralmedizin 2023

7. Juni 2023

11. bis 16. September 2023, Hamburg, Deutschland. Mit Verstand und Bauchgefühl. Viszeralmedizin steht für Vielfalt, aber auch für Komplexität, für Interdisziplinarität, aber auch für Diskurs und Kontroversen, für Innovation, aber auch für Althergebrachtes und Tradition. Forschung und Fortbildung sind in der Viszeralmedizin deswegen essenziell, um die Herausforderungen des Faches im […]

16th European Public Health Conference

7. Juni 2023

8th to 11th November 2023, Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland. Over the next decade we will all make choices which will determine the future of our advanced technological society. The COVID-19 and monkeypox pandemics, through which the world is now living, are as graphic an example as could be desired of […]

STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement

7. Juni 2023

11th to 13th September 2023, St. Louis, Missouri. Founded in 1967, the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine is a national community of academic leaders committed to developing an accomplished family medicine workforce, prepared to serve as the foundation of America’s health care system. Our members include physicians, PAs, nurse […]

ASM Microbe 2023

15. Mai 2023

15th to 19th June 2023, Houston, Texas. Join thousands of scientists, researchers and healthcare professionals in your field, who are all traveling to Houston, Texas from June 15-19 for the largest microbial sciences gathering in the world! Andy Weir, Kate Rubins, John Nkengasong, Edward Holmes and Folasade Ogunsola are just some of the world-renowned speakers […]

Identifying and navigating ethical issues in public health

12. Mai 2023

21st to 23rd August 2023, Lugano Switzerland or online. Public health policy, practice, and research entail numerous ethical challenges. How should one decide what the right thing to do is? This course will equip participants with the tools, skills, and know-how that are necessary to assess and deal with ethical […]

Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs

12. Mai 2023

Self-paced, online. Despite medical and technological advances, half of the world’s population lacks access to essential health services, and over 8.9 million preventable deaths occur every year. There is an acute global shortage of health workers, a gap that will grow to 18 million by 2030. Studies show that training […]

Internationale Lehrgänge für Alpin- und Höhenmedizin: Sommerlehrgang 1

12. Mai 2023

9. bis 15. September 2023, Neustift im Stubaital, Österreich. Hochtourenlehrgang in Fels und Eis u.a. mit Schwerpunkten aus der Berg- und Flugrettungsmedizin.Sa., 9. September, 8:00 Uhr bisFr., 15. September 2023, 17:00 UhrFranz-Senn-Hütte (2.147 m), Neustift im Stubaital Preis: € 1.590,- exkl. Unterkunft, Lift und Gepäcktransport ALPINMEDIZINISCHE SEMINARE Vermittlung von Spezialkenntnissen […]

28th WONCA Europe Conference

12. Mai 2023

7th to 10th June 2023, Brussel, Belgium. Let’s start by introducing ourselves:My name is Aurore Girard, I am the Vice-President of Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale (member of the Belgian Society for General Practitioners) and I have the privilege to chair the Host Organising Committee for the 28th WONCA Europe conference […]

World Health Summit 2023

9. Mai 2023

15th to 17th October 2023, Berlin, Germany & digital. The World Health Summit is the unique international strategic forum for global health. Held annually in Berlin, it brings together stakeholders from politics, science, the private sector, and civil society from around the world to set the agenda for a healthier […]