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36. Sportärztewoche

22. September 2022

6. bis 11. Dezember 2022, Kaprun, Österreich. Liebe Sportsfreunde! Liebe Freunde der Sportmedizin, Sportphysiotherapie und Sportwissenschaft! Wir freuen uns, Sie nach einjähriger unfreiwilliger Pause wieder zur Sportärztewoche vom 06. bis 11.12.2022 im schönen Kaprun begrüßen zu dürfen. Nicht nur die Location hat sich geändert, auch die wissenschaftliche Leitung weist Veränderungen […]

16. Nationaler Qualitätskongress Gesundheit

22. September 2022

24. und 25. November 2022, Berlin, Deutschland. Am 24. und 25. November 2022 treffen sich namhafte Klinikmanager, Ärzte, Hygiene- und Pflegefachpersonen sowie Kassenvertreter und Gesundheitspolitiker beim 16. Nationalen Qualitätskongress Gesundheit. Im Mittelpunkt des 16. Nationalen Qualitätskongresses Gesundheit steht die Umsetzung der Qualitätsagenda in der aktuellen Legislaturperiode. Zentrale Fragen zur Umsetzung […]

17. International Conference on Pediatric Allergy Management, Asthma, Allergy and Immunology

21. September 2022

24th to 25th July 2023, Istanbul, Türkiye. The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the […]

The History of Vaccines

21. September 2022

A brief history of vaccination The practice of immunisation dates back hundreds of years. Buddhist monks drank snake venom to confer immunity to snake bite and variolation (smearing of a skin tear with cowpox to confer immunity to smallpox) was practiced in 17th century China. Edward Jenner is considered the […]

Polio Today

21. September 2022

To eradicate polio, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative brings together the latest scientific knowledge on the virus and tracks the status of the virus every week. We look back on the history of the poliovirus to make the most of lessons learned and plan ahead for a world without polio. […]

Measles in the 21th century: Is eradication possible and how?

21. September 2022

8th to 10th March 2023, Paris, France. ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course To understand all the current aspects of measles in the 21th century, to provide an up-to-date assessment on the feasibility of measles eradication, to identify the optimal strategies to be implemented for measles eradication and to provide a plan […]

Update in Internal Medicine

21. September 2022

4th to 10th December 2022, via Livestream. This course will be live-streamed and includes real-time audience-response questions, live demonstrations and interactive Q&A sessions allowing you to pose specific questions to our expert faculty via online chat. All presentations and course materials will be available immediately to watch and review at […]

MIA Medical Information Analytics GmbH

13. September 2022

Wir sind MIA (Medical Information Analytics GmbH), ein Start-up der Rhenus-Gruppe und begleiten seit 2019 die Digitalisierung im Medizincontrolling. Im Krankenhausalltag geht viel Zeit für die Abrechnung erbrachter Leistungen verloren. Denn die korrekte Kodierung von Einzelfällen ist anspruchsvoll und arbeitsintensiv. Häufig liegen medizinische Rohdaten in verschiedenen Subsystemen sowie in der […]

European Colorectal Congress

12. September 2022

28th November 2022 to 1st Dezember 2022, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Dear Colleagues, We proudly invite you to attend the 16th European Colorectal Congress of St.Gallen. We have enriched the scientific programme with 3 full days of Keynote-lectures focusing on cancer of the colon and rectum. Selected international experts and opinion leaders […]

In Conversation: Why climate change matters for human health

9. September 2022

The consensus among scientists is that we are in an era of global heating and extreme weather events, primarily due to the devastating effects of human action on the environment. Why are researchers concerned, and what are the implications for health? The Lancet Countdown team is a group of over […]