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Oxford Online Programme in Sleep Medicine

6. September 2022

flexible part-time study, online. The Online Programme in Sleep Medicine leads to a PGDip or MSc. It is hosted by the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi), in the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford. The SCNi brings together world leading expertise in basic and human sleep and […]

„Irrasshaimase“ – Willkommen in Tokio

5. August 2022

von Hasan Kelani. Von Oktober 2019 bis Jänner 2020 hatte ich die einmalige Gelegenheit, in der japanischen Hauptstadt Tokio zu leben und dabei klinische Praktika in drei Fachrichtungen an der Showa University zu absolvieren. Als Studierender der Medizinischen Universität Wien hat man die Möglichkeit, in den letzten zwei Studienjahren eineinhalb Jahre […]

5. Österreichischer Palliativtag

5. August 2022

16. September 2022, Wien, Österreich und online. Zum 5. Österreichischen Palliativtag laden wir Sie sehr herzlich nach Wien ein.Noch oder vielleicht auch wieder stehen wir unter dem Einfluss der Corona-Pandemie. Zwei Mal wurden Planungen für einen Österreichischen Palliativkongress mit großem Engagement angegangen, der dann aus Vernunft und Vorsicht nicht abgehalten […]

EHFG 2022

3. August 2022

26th to 29th September 2022, Bad Hofgastein, Austria and online. EHFG 2022: Registration for the hybrid conference is open The European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is pleased to share with you the Programme of the EHFG 2022 and extend a warm invitation to register for this year’s hybrid conference, taking place in Bad Hofgastein, Austria from […]

History of Vaccination

3. August 2022

The history of vaccines did not begin with Jenner’s smallpox vaccine. It will not end with the recent vaccines against the novel coronavirus, which caused the COVID-19 pandemic. The history of vaccines begins before the first vaccine, with an immunizing procedure called „inoculation“ by some and „variolation“ by others. According […]

15th European Public Health Conference 2022

3. August 2022

9th to 12th November 2022, Berlin, Germany. The 15th EPH Conference in Berlin willbe the first conference since Marseille in 2019 to take place live and in person!The focus of Berlin 2022 will be on health systems and research in this field. The spectacular space in the new location of Hub27 […]

World Cancer Congress

3. August 2022

18th to 20th October 2022, Geneva, Switzerland. On 18-20 October 2022, four years after its last Congress in Kuala Lumpur, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) will rally the global cancer community in the capital of global health, Geneva, Switzerland. Home to the World Health Organization (WHO), UICC and […]

Clinical Informatics, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

2. August 2022

self-paced, online. The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Informatics (PBCCI) is a 21-credit certificate that was designed for health professionals who are adding health informatics to their existing scope of practice. The certificate consists of 6 required courses and a 75-hour practicum. The required courses cover a range of topics from […]

Online Course – „How Mother can Influence Offspring“

2. August 2022

5th October 2022, online. How important are the epigenetic influences on the phenotype of our offspring? During online this course the latest knowledge and insights of transgenerational (nutritional) effects for both humans and animals will be discussed. A diversity of inspiring examples seen in livestock and humans will be presented. […]

International Surgical Week ISW 2022

1. August 2022

15th to 18th August 2022, Vienna Austria. Engaging and insightful, the International Surgical Week (ISW) 2022 provides a platform for scientific and clinical working groups where they can collaborate to establish the foundations for future diagnostic and surgical challenges, and discuss novel approaches and standards, facilitating progress towards real-time, patient-oriented solutions. […]