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Pandemic Influenza Vaccines: National Deployment and Vaccination Plans

6. Juli 2022

self-paced. National deployment and vaccination plans for pandemic influenza vaccines represent an important foundation for an effective and efficient pandemic influenza deployment response, which should be reflected in successful vaccination of the target population with no vaccine wastage and optimal operational efficiency. Through a series of short video lectures, this […]

Digital Health

6. Juli 2022

Self-paced, online.  Millions of health-related data points are captured every day, from individual-level information collected by our personal devices and tests at the doctor’s office to population-level data about disease prevalence and treatment outcomes. Digital technologies have transformed how we buy and listen to music and how we plan our […]

Expedition and Wilderness Medicine

6. Juli 2022

17th October 2022, Lake Bohinj, Slovenia. Take your training into the field and open up a whole new world of travel and opportunity.   This is medicine at the sharp end.  Our internationally-renowned five day Expedition and Wilderness Medicine course gives you all the skills and expertise you need to become a competent member […]

Water and sanitation course – from emergency towards development 2022

6. Juli 2022

20th August 2022, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. This course will train engineers and scientists to plan, implement and monitor emergency water and sanitation programmes, and will help them better understand the organizational context of humanitarian situations. The main objective of this course is to train qualified and motivated engineers and scientists who […]

7. Fachtag Medizinethik

5. Juli 2022

23. September 2022, hybrid. Herzliche Einladung zum 7. Fachtag Medizinethik, dessen großes Thema die Digitale Revolution sein wird. Viele behaupten, dass die Pandemie diese Entwicklung deutlich beschleunigt hat, mit Home Schooling, Home Office, Zoom Meetings, kontaktlosem Bezahlen und der Nutzung von Gesundheits-Apps auf dem Smartphone. Aldous Huxley sagte, dass die […]

Mein Erasmus in Rennes, Frankreich

4. Juli 2022

von Lena Koller. Warum ein Semester in Frankreich? Ich habe das 5. Jahr meines Medizinstudiums in Rennes, Frankreich verbracht und empfehle jeder Person, die die Möglichkeit dazu hat, dasselbe zu tun. Bereits im Gymnasium habe ich ein Auslandssemester in Kanada verbracht. Diese Zeit hat mich sehr geprägt. Dementsprechend wollte ich […]

Viszeralmedizin 2022

3. Juni 2022

12. bis 17. September 2022, Hamburg, Deutschland. Die 76. Jahrestagung wird gemeinsam von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten mit der Sektion für gastroenterologische Endoskopie (DGVS) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie (DGAV) und den Arbeitsgemeinschaften im Rahmen ihrer 13. Herbsttagung gestaltet. Wir freuen uns außerordentlich, […]

World Blood Donor Day 2022

3. Juni 2022

14th June 2022, worldwide. World Blood Donor Day takes place on 14 June each year. The Day was created to: raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion; highlight the critical contribution voluntary, unpaid blood donors make to national health systems; support national blood […]

International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2022

3. Juni 2022

5th to 9th September 2022, Glasgow, Scotland and online options. The conference brings together the community of healthcare researchers, teachers, practitioners and policy makers from around the globe. It provides a unique opportunity for the international and interactive exchange of ideas and outcomes of education, research and policy activities across […]

15th EPH Conference

31. Mai 2022

9th to 12th November 2022, Berlin, Germany. The 15th EPH Conference in Berlin will be the first EPH Conference since Marseille 2019 to take place live and in person from 9 – 12 November. The spectacular Hub27 venue provides us with ample opportunities for informal chatting, personal exchange and live networking. […]