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16. International Conference on Psychology ICP 2022

31. Mai 2022

8th to 9th September 2022, Prague, Czechia. The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the […]

Core Course in Public Health

31. Mai 2022

19th September to 9th December 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The core course in Public Health is a three month course that prepares health managers to use a public health approach to address health issues in their country, taking into account epidemiology, health system aspects and broader social determinants of health. The […]

Health Care Economics

31. Mai 2022

3rd August until 14th September 2022, online. What are the primary drivers of health care incentives? Does money shape your decision-making as a patient? As a provider? As a payer? Even for those within the health care industry, the economics of the United States health care system are stunningly complex […]

Erfahrungsbericht Klinikum Kassel: Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie 8 Wochen Rotation für Klinisch-Praktisches Jahr

13. Mai 2022

von Christoph Köditz. Meine Motivation Für viele StudentInnen kann ein Auslandsaufenthalt in Deutschland eine interessante Erfahrung sein. Da für manche StudentInnen der Weg nach dem Studium nach Deutschland führt, kann es sinnvoll sein, sich selbst ein Bild zu machen. Aus Neugier und dem Wunsch nach operativen Erfahrungen bin ich in […]

Liver Imaging Workshop

2. Mai 2022

29th to 30th September 2022, Palermo, Italy. The aim of the workshop is to provide a comprehensive coverage of all the main liver pathologies that will be presented by means of an integrated multimodality approach. Imaging findings will be analysed on the basis of their pathological correlations. The format of […]

Climate Action for Food Systems Transformation

2. Mai 2022

16th October to 8th December 2023, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands. Climate Change has a negative impact on food security. Societies need to learn to cope with the changes predicted. That needs appropriate responses by government. However, in many countries the existing governance structures and leadership are not suited to […]

European Public Health Week

2. Mai 2022

16th to 20th May 2022, europe-wide. The European Public Health Week (EUPHW) aims to raise awareness about public health and promote collaboration among the public health community in Europe. It is an annual initiative that began in 2019. Mark your calendars! May 16-20 2022 The next European Public Health Week’s […]

Mein Erasmus Jahr in Spanien – auf den kanarischen Inseln in Las Palmas

2. Mai 2022

von Theresa Hofbauer. Warum die Kanaren? Nachdem ich ein großer Fan von Natur und Outdoor-Sport bin, gerne Surfen und Wandern gehe, waren die Kanaren sofort meine Nummer 1 ERASMUS-Wahl. Besonders anziehend war für mich auch die Lebensfreue und der entspannte Vibe der Inseln. Im Folgenden möchte ich meine Erfahrungen zu […]

ASM Microbe

29. April 2022

9th to 13th June 2022, Washington, USA. ASM Microbe is back, and scheduled to take place in-person. Mark your calendar now to join us for an experience like no other. ASM Microbe drives discovery, innovation and collaboration across the full spectrum of microbiology. Explore science in your focused specialty or delve into […]

EACR 2022 Congress – Innovative Cancer Science: Translating Biology to Medicine

29. April 2022

20th to 23rd June 2022, Seville, Spain. We look forward to welcoming you to the EACR 2022 Congress. With your participation we will make the 2022 Congress a vibrant and exciting event! EACR 2022 is a four day congress dedicated to basic, preclinical and translational cancer research across a wide breadth of topics. […]