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39th Vienna City Marathon

4. April 2022

24th April 2022, Vienna, Austria. With the „Running for Peace“ wristband for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. VCM doubles the donations. The Vienna City Marathon is a run for peace. That has been the case ever since it existed, and it will be especially true at the upcoming event on 24 […]

16. Wiener Diabetestag

1. April 2022

5. Mai 2022, Wien, Österreich. Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen, Heuer findet nach 2 Jahren Covid-19 bedingter Pause parallel zum Wiener Diabetestag im Rathaus unsere bereits traditionelle Veranstaltung, der Wiener Diabetes-Dialog 2022, statt. Die Therapie des Diabetes mellitus und der assoziierten Erkrankungen zeichnet sich durch große und relevante Fortschritte aus. Dies […]

Young Forum Gastein 2022: Call for applications

1. April 2022

In 2022, the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) will celebrate its 25th anniversary and take stock of the substantial accomplishments in public health over the last quarter century. At the same time, we will look forward and discuss the challenges and policy options for action urgently needed across sectors, borders, […]

MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe

1. April 2022

self-paced, online. How can we eradicate malaria, a disease that has caused more deaths than the two world wars combined? Can modern data science help us in eliminating this mosquito-borne disease? How do the biology, ecology, and epidemiology of the malaria-causing parasites Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax differ? Explore the scientific and technological underpinnings […]

Basic and Clinical Sciences Anaesthetic Course

1. April 2022

17th to 19th and 24th to 26th June 2022, virtually. The Basic and Clinical Sciences Anaesthetic Course (BCSAC) is intended as one of the tools suitable for the preparation of the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care by improving the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of different areas of basic and clinical sciences. While […]

22. Kärntner Seensymposium

1. April 2022

5. bis 7. Mai 2022, Velden, Österreich. Das Leben ist besser am See und zwar live.Endlich wieder Präsenzveranstaltungen! Endlich wieder raus kommen.Endlich wieder Kolleginnen und Kollegen treffen und sich persönlich austauschen!Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Das Programm des 22. Kärntner Seensymposium ist umfangreich und bunt.Wir haben wieder die besten Vortragenden […]

The 24th International AIDS Conference

1. April 2022

29 July to 2nd August 2022, Montreal, Canada and online. AIDS 2022 Registration for AIDS 2022, the 24th International AIDS Conference, is now open. For the first time, the world’s largest conference on HIV and AIDS will be hosted in-person in Montreal, Canada, as well as virtually, to make it accessible […]

Euroanaesthesia 2022

1. April 2022

4th to 6th June 2022, Milan, Italy. Euroanaesthesia is recognised worldwide as one of the most important and influential annual congresses in anaesthesiology and intensive care. With a history of over 8000 international participants from more than 100 countries and over 130 exhibitors, Euroanaesthesia is truly an outstanding international platform […]

Allergy Academy Allergy in Practice Course (2022)

1. April 2022

12th May 2022 to 16th June 2022, online. The Allergy in Practice course is designed to enhance knowledge and practical skills in the diagnosis and management of allergic disease.Teaching methods will comprise 4 study days total. 3 days are planned as virtual teaching with an additional complementary face-to-face simulation day to […]

Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang Clinical Research & Translational Medicine

23. März 2022

10/2023 bis 09/2025, Universität Leipzig, Deutschland. Sie suchen eine forschungsnahe, fundierte Fortbildung in der Konzeption und Durchführung Klinischer Forschungsprojekte von bench to bedside? WARUM ist deshalb ein Studium der Klinischen Forschung und Translationalen Medizin für Sie interessant? Ziel der biomedizinischen und insbesondere der Klinischen Forschung ist es, die Behandlung von […]