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7. Fachtag Sucht 2021

2. März 2021

17. April 2021, online. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Wir freuen uns, trotz Covid-Krise, auch in diesem Jahr, den 7. Fachtag Sucht mit Ihnen, diesmal als Online-Veranstaltung, abhalten zu dürfen. In diesem für uns alle besonderen herausfordernden und auch belastenden Jahr wollen wir uns vor allem dem Thema der Auswirkungen […]

European Public Health Week 2021 – Joining Forces for Healthier Populations

1. März 2021

17th to 21st May, 2021, online. The European Public Health Week (EUPHW) aims to: Make the case for public health and a more inclusive society across Europe Raise awareness and amplify existing messages on five specific public health themes, in line with key organisations at European level Create trust and innovative ways […]

Heart Failure 2021

24. Februar 2021

29th June to 1st July 2021, online. Heart Failure 2021 online and on demand is the annual congress of the Heart Failure Association of the ESC. It is the world’s leading congress for experts in cardiology to discuss strategies for a universal approach towards the prevention and treatment of heart […]


24. Februar 2021

29. bis 30. Mai 2021, Eckernförde, Deutschland. In den letzten 14 Jahren haben wir über 50 Ausbildungs- und Refresherkurse durchgeführt. Von Anfang an waren wir bestrebt, Tauchmedizin auf hohem Niveau zu vermitteln. Voraussetzung hierfür ist die Auswahl von ReferentInnen, die mit großer persönlicher Erfahrung die Pflicht-Curricula mit Leben erfüllen. Nur so können […]

Universitätslehrgänge „Gesundheitsmanagement und Public Health“ und „Krankenhausmanagement“

24. Februar 2021
Donau Universität Krems

Start: November 2021, Krems, Österreich. Im November 2021 startet der nächste Universitätslehrgang „Health Care Management“ mit den Fachvertiefungen „Gesundheitsmanagement und Public Health“ bzw. „Krankenhausmanagement“ an der Donau-Universität Krems – Bewerbungen werden jederzeit gerne entgegengenommen. Mit dem Ziel, Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens effektiv und effizient führen zu können, vermittelt der Universitätslehrgang relevante […]

A Revolution in Cardiovascular Imaging: The Amercian Society of Echocardiography (ASE 2021)

11. Februar 2021
ASE American Society of Echocardiography

18th to 21st June 2021, online. The American Society of Echocardiography’s 2021 Scientific Sessions planning is underway. We are carefully monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and, at this point, based on the level of cases in the United States, the event originally planned for Boston, MA, will be a virtual event […]

Occupational Health and Safety for Health Workers in the Context of Covid-19

16. November 2020

anytime, online course. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, working conditions for health workers may deteriorate. In addition to the risks of infection with COVID-19, health workers continue to experience other occupational health and safety risks of biological, physical or psychosocial nature. Therefore, for the protection of physical and […]

17th Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine

24. Februar 2021

19th to 22nd May 2021, online. The 17th Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine was initially planned to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the congress will now be completely virtual. Despite the virtual platform, the meeting will have Malaysian flair, cultural inclusions […]

MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe

24. Februar 2021
Harvard University

Until 30th April 2021, online. How can we eradicate malaria? Explore the scientific and technological underpinnings of malaria, as well as the historical, political, social, and economic contexts in which control, elimination, and eradication efforts unfold. Through foundational lectures and supplemental interviews, this course provides participants with a toolbox of […]

Going USA 2021: Weiterbildung, Fellowship & Forschung

8. Februar 2021

23rd February 2021, online. Are you interested in residency and/or research work in the USA? Are you interested in an Internship and Residency at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, USA? Going International and the Alumni Club of Medical University Vienna would like to invite you to attend this year’s Going USA online information event. The event […]