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53. Alpenländisches Urologen-Symposium

9. Juni 2021

24. bis 26. Juni 2021, Saalfelden, Österreich. Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, liebe Urologinnen und Urologen der Zukunft, es freut mich sehr, Sie zum 53. Alpenländische Urologen-Symposium 2021 einzuladen. Dieses traditionsreiche Urologie-Diskussionsforum, welches von Hans Marberger und Georges Mayor als eine freundschaftliche Diskussionsplattform ins Leben gerufen wurde, wird dieses Jahr unter […]

Master-Universitätslehrgang Health Care Management mit der Vertiefung Midwifery

10. September 2021

Start: Wintersemester 2021, Krems, Österreich. Das Gesundheitswesen der einzelnen europäischen Länder hat sich in den letzten Jahren massiv verändert. Der universitäre Abschluss für Hebammen und Entbindungspfleger etabliert sich in Europa. Die Donau-Universität Krems setzt in ihrem Master-Lehrgang „Midwifery“ (Vertiefung aus Health Care Management) Schwerpunkte im Bereich Management. Dieser Fokus nimmt […]

Universitätslehrgänge „Gesundheitsmanagement und Public Health“ und „Krankenhausmanagement“

8. September 2021

Start: November 2021, Krems, Österreich Im November 2021 startet der nächste Universitätslehrgang „Health Care Management“ mit den Fachvertiefungen „Gesundheitsmanagement und Public Health“ bzw. „Krankenhausmanagement“ an der Donau-Universität Krems – Bewerbungen werden jederzeit gerne entgegengenommen. Mit dem Ziel, Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens effektiv und effizient führen zu können, vermittelt der Universitätslehrgang relevante […]

Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Competency-based Approach

10. September 2021

anytime, online. This course will equip clinicians who frequently prescribe antimicrobials with knowledge and tools to improve their use of these essential medications in daily clinical practice. Through case based examples, the course will highlight how antimicrobial stewardship principles can be applied to common clinical scenarios. We will first review […]

Travel Health for Expatriates and Their Families

2. Juni 2021

from 1st October 2021, online The course provides an overview of health-related issues expatriates and their families may face during their stay abroad. The goal of the course is to equip participants with all necessary background information on preventive measures to be considered before leaving their home country and to […]

Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement

2. Juni 2021

13th to 15th September 2021, online The More Minds, the BetterThis year’s Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement will bring together providers, researchers, educators, practice team members, and administrators to learn from others and share knowledge on transforming family medicine residency programs and clinical practices. You will learn to… • Work […]

ESC Congress 2021 – the Digital Experience

2. Juni 2021

27th to 30th August 2021, online ESC Congress is first and foremost a celebration of science. It’s all about challenging and inspiring cardiovascular professionals to discover and deliver the best care possible to their patients. It’s widely regarded as THE annual cardiology event in the calendar. In 2020 it was […]

World Microbe Forum

9. Mai 2021

20th to 24th June 2021, online. The World Microbe Forum is breaking barriers to sharing science and addressing the most pressing challenges facing humankind today. That’s why this year, ASM Microbe and FEMS Congress 2021 will be part of this unique event.  Explore the hottest topics in microbiology – from […]

Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs

9. Mai 2021
Harvard University

anytime, online This course, developed in collaboration with the Community Health Academy at Last Mile Health, introduces learners to the core concepts of community health worker programs, and explores what is needed to build and strengthen large-scale programs in order to improve access to high-quality health services.  The curriculum highlights […]

EULAR 2021 Virtual Congress (Rheumatology)

9. Mai 2021

2nd to 5th June 2021, online. The EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology comprises the major event in the calendar of world rheumatology. The EULAR 2021 Virtual Congress will address a wide range of topics including clinical, translational and basic science. Sessions dedicated to People with Arthritis and Rheumatism in Europe (PARE), Health Professionals in […]