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1. Symposium Sexualität

8. Februar 2021

13. März 2021, online. Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus den unterschiedlichen Berufsgruppen, Sexualität und Partnerschaft hat sich in den letzten Jahren sehr verändert. Damit ergeben sich jedoch auch immer mehr Probleme sowohl in Partnerschaften, die nicht mehr so stabil sind oder gänzlich neu definiert werden, aber auch bei der Betreuung […]

Advanced IHL Seminar for Academics and Policy-Makers

23. Februar 2021

4th May to 30th June 2021, online. What are the key ongoing legal debates around contemporary IHL (international humanitarian law) challenges? Why does that matter for academics and policy-makers? How can professionals from those sectors support each other in addressing ongoing legal and policy challenges? Organized by the International Committee […]

International Vaccines and Virology Conference

4. Februar 2021
International Vaccines and Virology Conference

10th – 11th june 2021, London, UK. The International Vaccines and Virology Conference welcomes you to share your research findings, promote knowledge exchange and network with a broad audience in the field of microbiology and immunology. i-Vaccines 2021 is an annual gathering for researchers, practitioners and educators to share the insights and […]

Wiener Bluttage 2021

1. März 2021

3. bis 5. Juni 2021, Wien, Österreich. Die Wiener Bluttage… ….vermitteln aktuelles und praxisrelevantes Wissen zum Thema Blut, Gerinnung und Transfusionsmedizin. …bieten medizinische Fortbildung und Möglichkeiten zum Wissensaustausch. In den letzten Jahren haben die Anforderungen an BlutdepotleiterInnen und -mitarbeiterInnen sowie klinisch tätige ÄrztInnen und TurnusärztInnen einerseits von legistischer Seite, andererseits […]

International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2020
Part 2

4. Februar 2021
EACH logo

15th to 16th April 2021, online. We are delighted to invite you to the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2020 Part 2: Online. This online conference will be an opportunity for you to take part in the second part of our 2020 ICCH programme. It will bring together the […]

Health at a Glance 2020 – Part 3: Overview of Health Indicators

4. Februar 2021

This chapter describes the health status of EU citizens, including trends in life expectancy, the main causes of death, health inequalities, the occurrence of communicable and chronic diseases, and mental health issues. It shows modifiable risk factors to health, including smoking, alcohol consumption, illicit drug use, unhealthy nutrition, lack of physical […]

European Health Union: A Greater Role for the EU in Health

4. Februar 2021

As we continue to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and begin charting a recovery course, we can, and must, do better – now and in the future. This crisis calls for “more Europe” – a greater role for the European Union (EU) in health, a renewed concentration on our shared core […]

Invitation to the United Nations in Vienna – Without Leaving Home

3. Februar 2021
United Nations

by appointment, online. Are you curious about what the UN is doing to make a better world? Would you like to find out more about how the UN made its home in Vienna, one of the four global UN headquarters? Are you an engaged citizen wondering how we can achieve […]

Second ESCMID course on zoonosis

2. Februar 2021

26th to 28th May 2021, Saint Maxime, France.   ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course Course Objectives:To improve knowledge about epidemiology of the most frequent and most severe zoonoses, such as to improve their management, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Target AudienceAll healthcare professionals interested in zoonosis: clinical physicians, microbiologists and Public Health […]

14. Österreichischer Infektionskongress 2021

2. Februar 2021

16. bis 19. März 2021, Saalfelden, Österreich. In der Infektiologie und bei der anti-infektiven Therapie wird an Leitlinien orientiertes Arbeiten immer komplexer. Die Zahl der Leitlinien nimmt stetig zu und jede einzelne ist in der Regel sperrig formuliert und hat einen immensen Umfang. Anerkannte Experten werden Ihnen deshalb während der […]