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Online Course: Pandemic Influenza Vaccines – National Deployment and Vaccination Plans

23. April 2020

anytime, online course. National deployment and vaccination plans for pandemic influenza vaccines represent an important foundation for an effective and efficient pandemic influenza deployment response, which should be reflected in successful vaccination of the target population with no vaccine wastage and optimal operational efficiency. Through a series of short video […]

Digital Healthcare – Das Masterstudium für das digitale Gesundheitswesen

8. April 2020
FH St.Pölten

Start: September 2020, St.Pölten, Niederösterreich. Das Gesundheitswesen von morgen braucht die Innovation von heute. Von Telecare & Mixed Reality Visualisierungen in der Radiologie über sensorgestützte Schuhsohlen zur Gangrehabilitation bis hin zur Herzmassage per Notfall-App – die Digitalisierung hat im Gesundheitswesen längst Einzug gehalten.  Der Master Studiengang Digital Healthcare verbindet IT und praktische Gesundheitskompetenzen. Unsere […]

World Health Day 2020 – Support nurses and midwives

7. April 2020

7th April 2020, worldwide. What is World Health Day about? 7 April 2020 is the day to celebrate the work of nurses and midwives and remind world leaders of the critical role they play in keeping the world healthy. Nurses and other health workers are at the forefront of COVID-19 […]

Involvement of Young Gasteiners in the COVID-19 Response

6. April 2020

Call for newcomer applications for the Young Forum Gastein (YFG) 2020 The European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) is pleased to announce it will once more offer a limited number of scholarships to young professionals working in the field of health to enable their participation in the #EHFG2020 conference as YFG […]

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Krisen managen mit MSc Health Sciences & Leadership

6. April 2020
Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität

Start: September 2020, Salzburg, Österreich. Wie reagiere ich auf unvorhersehbare Situationen? Wie führe ich meine MitarbeiterInnen durch einen Alltag, der keiner mehr ist? Finden Sie neu ab Herbst 2020 „Krisenmanagement“ im Curriculum des Masterlehrganges. Jetzt stampfen Sie – als engagierte Führungskraft – Kapazitäten, Dienstpläne und Ausstattungen aus dem Boden. Sie […]

Die Macht des Bildes

31. März 2020
Die Macht des Bildes

Wenn man an die Aussagekraft der Bilder denkt, lassen sich viele Konnotationen und Disziplinen ableiten. Bilder sind ein Mittel, die in der Kunstwissenschaft, Psychologie und Politologie genauso viel Beachtung erhalten wie in der Soziologie und Werbung. Die Visualisierung von Situationen und Thematiken weckt Emotionen und man verbindet das dargestellte Gebiet […]

Online Course: COVID-19 Infection Control Training

31. März 2020

anytime, online course. The training module covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for COVID-19 including: COVID-19 – what is it? Signs and symptoms Keeping safe – protecting yourself and others Myth busting The training is for care workers across all health care settings, including: hospitals primary care aged […]

Video Conference: International Conference on Food Microbiology and Food Safety

31. März 2020

14th to 15th June 2020, video conference.  In order to restrain our participants from travelling during pandemic covid-19 we have introduced this new feature of video conferencing – a convenient way of sharing and discussion. The idea of the conference, hosted by the Institute of Research Engineers and Scientists (IRES), […]

ICRMBC 2020: 14th International Conference on Reproductive Medicine and Birth Control

30. März 2020
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

22nd to 23rd October 2020, Istanbul, Turkey. The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of […]

Online Course: Covid-19: Operational Planning Guidelines and Covid-19 Partners Platform to Support Country Preparedness and Response

30. März 2020
World Health Organization

Anytime, online course. Overview: This 3-module learning package introduces the context for the need for a coordinated global response plan to the COVID-19 outbreak. It provides the required guidance to implement the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response. These planning guidelines describe priority steps and actions to be included […]