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Desert Medicine Course

9. September 2019

12th to 17th January 2020, Sharqiya Sands, Oman. Join World Extreme Medicine for a new Desert Medicine course in Sharqiya Sands (formerly Ramlat al-Wahiba), Oman. This 6-day course will focus on medical and survival skills needed while working with teams across the world stunning desert landscapes. Overview Our Desert Medicine team […]

Volatile Times Call for Disruptive Measures

6. September 2019

2nd to 4th October 2019, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. Have you wondered lately where our world is heading? You surely follow the news about Brexit, or international politics in general. Maybe you have read the news headlines about measles breaking out across Europe again. Maybe you have wondered “What can we […]

Praxisgründungs- und Praxisschlussseminar

6. September 2019

5. Oktober 2019, Trausdorf, Österreich. Am 5. Oktober 2019 findet wieder das Praxisgründungs- und Praxisschlussseminar in Trausdorf statt. Auch für das diesjährige Seminar konnten wieder zahlreiche Experten aus den unterschiedlichen Branchen gewonnen werden. Im Rahmen des Praxisgründungseminars werden unter anderem folgende Themen angesprochen: Berufsrechtlich relevante Bereiche Praxisausstattung und Organisation Niederlassung und Steuerrecht […]

EuroHealthNet Country Exchange Visit On Promoting Healthy Diets Amongst Children

6. September 2019

10th to 11th October 2019, Vienna, Austria. The focus of EuroHealthNet Country Exchange Visit is the promotion of healthy diets amongst children. Throughout the visit, we will exchange good practices, as well as experiences to ensure healthy diets amongst children. The purpose is to discuss what is/can be done to […]

Clinical Elective in Madrid

6. September 2019

by Raphael Reinecke Students of the Medical University of Vienna (MUV) have the possibility to do electives abroad in their 5th and 6th year of study in the maximal extent of one and a half years in total. There are two options: one can apply for a EU-subsidized ERASMUS+ program […]

19th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (19th ICID)

5. September 2019

20th to 23rd February 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) is collaborating with the Malaysian Society of Infectious Diseases and Chemotherapy (MSIDC) for the 19th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID).The 19th ICID features an expanded range of sessions by bringing the One Health aspect to the world of clinical infectious diseases  […]

Fachtag Schmerz 2019

3. September 2019

18. Oktober 2019, Wien, Österreich. Wer Schmerzen hat, erwartet eine wirkungsvolle Schmerztherapie. Je genauer die Diagnose das Symptom Schmerz erklärt, desto präziser kann der therapeutische Ansatz gelingen. Deshalb hat sich die Schmerztherapie zur interdisziplinären Schmerzmedizin entwickelt: Wissen und Diagnostik führen zur Diagnose und bilden die Basis für eine erfolgreiche Therapie. […]

Echo Hawaii

30. August 2019

20th to 24th January 2020, Waimea, HI, USA. Echo Hawaii presents the latest information on established and emerging cardiovascular ultrasound technologies. Expert U.S. and international faculty discuss state-of-the-art technologies with a particular focus on how they can be effectively applied in the clinical setting. Case-based approaches are used to discuss new and […]

Hämato/Onko Update Refresher

30. August 2019

21. bis 22. Februar 2020, Wien, Österreich. Der Hämato/Onko Update Refresher gehört zu den beliebtesten Fachtagungen für HämatologInnen und OnkologInnen in Österreich. Das Kursformat bietet in 2 Tagen ein umfassendes und wissenschaftliches Update über alle relevanten Themenbereiche und Leitlinien der Hämatologie und Onkologie. Das neutrale und praxisrelevante Fortbildungsprogramm berücksichtigt wesentliche Entwicklungen, Trends und […]

Going USA 2019: Weiterbildung, Fellowship & Forschung

9. August 2019

6th November 2019, Vienna, Austria. Are you interested in residency and/or research work in the USA? Are you interested in an Internship and Residency at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, USA? Going International and the Alumni Club of Medical University Vienna would like to invite you to attend this year’s Going USA information event in Vienna, […]