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Women Deliver 2019 Conference

19. Dezember 2018

3rd to 6th June 2019, Vancouver, Canada. The Women Deliver 2019 Conference will take place 3-6 June 2019 in Vancouver, Canada and will be the world’s largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women in the 21st century. It will serve as a […]

71st Annual Conference of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM)

19. Dezember 2018

25th to 27th February 2019, Göttingen, Germany. During the 71st Annual Conference of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology recent progress in all aspects of microbiology and infectious diseases will be discussed. During plenary sessions renowned scientists from all over the world will present and discuss their most current […]

Equitable Access and Universal Health Coverage Should Be a Reality for All Patients, Everywhere

11. Dezember 2018

by Katie Gallagher, European Patients’ Forum (EPF). In contrast with the UN Sustainable Development Goal on Health, disparities in access to healthcare in Europe are increasing and while universal health coverage is a well-recognised goal for all healthcare systems in the EU, this basic right is not yet a reality […]

Nachschrift Symposium Digital Digitale Gesundheit 4.0 aus Sicht der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM) und Komplementärmedizin

7. Dezember 2018

Internationale ExpertInnen diskutierten vom 19. – 20. Oktober 2018 an der Donau-Universität Krems über die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung für die Komplementärmedizin und TCM Das Aufeinandertreffen von moderner Technik und künstlicher Intelligenz auf der einen und fernöstlicher Medizin auf der anderen Seite scheint auf den ersten Blick konträr zu sein. Dass dies […]

European Health Forum Gastein – Conference Report 2018 – Main Theme 2019

7. Dezember 2018

Greetings from the Gastein Valley! To end the year 2018 and remind us of what we achieved this year, we are happy to share the EHFG 2018 Conference report with you. In the 21st EHFG “Health and Sustainable Development – bold political choices for Agenda 2030” was the broad theme […]

2nd Patient Flow: The Future of Urgent and Emergency Care Congress

6. Dezember 2018

27th February 2019, London, UK. In July 2018 the Convenzis Group hosted the 1st Patient Flow: Health and Care Improvement for Urgent and Emergency Care Congress. Due to the success and popularity of the event the 2nd event will be hosted in London on the 27th of February 2019. Across the NHS (National Health […]

North American Refugee Health Conference

6. Dezember 2018

14th to 16th June 2019, Toronto, Canada. The North American Refugee Health Conference (NARHC) is the largest refugee health conference of its kind globally, and offers access to recent research, best practices in refugee health, and a great opportunity for networking. While mass migration has been present since the beginning […]

Strengthening Preparedness for (Re-) emerging Arbovirus Infections: Symptoms, Diagnostics, Clinical Management and Outbreak Control

6. Dezember 2018

19th to 21st March 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Recent decades have seen the (re-) emergence of arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) causing annual outbreaks in regions of Europe. The aim of the course is to improve the participant’s knowledge of identification, diagnostics and clinical management of arbovirus infections, and outbreak control at local, […]

Clinical Assessment: Basis- und Aufbaukurs

2. Dezember 2018

01. bis 02. März und 05. bis 06. April 2019 + weitere Termine, Hall in Tirol, Österreich. Das systematische Erheben einer Anamnese und die körperliche Untersuchung sowie die daraus erhobenen Befunde bilden die Basis für die klinische Einschätzung der Patient/inn/en. Dieses Clinical Assessment gewinnt im Rahmen des Pflegeprozesses mehr und mehr […]

Basiskurs Abdomen und Retroperitoneum

30. November 2018

6. bis 7. April  2019, Solingen, Deutschland. Die Ultraschall Akademie der DEGUM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin) lädt zum Grundkurs Abdomensonografie in der Erwachsenendiagnostik ein. Es wird ein Kurskonzept vorgestellt, das neben dem theoretischen Teil intensive praktische Übungen in kleinen Gruppen bietet und so den TeilnehmerInnen reichlich Zeit […]