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11th European Public Health Conference

6. September 2018

28th November to 1st December 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The annual EPH conferences are considered the premier European gatherings of public health professionals worldwide. Delegates include researchers, policymakers, practitioners and teachers in public health and many other related fields. Sharing knowledge The 11th EPH Conference offers excellent opportunities to learn from […]

8th European Alcohol Policy Conference

5. September 2018

20th to 21st November 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland.   SHAAP (Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems) and Eurocare (The European Alcohol Policy Alliance) are the organisers of the 8th European Alcohol Policy Conference (8EAPC), which will be hosted at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Scotland, on 20th and 21st November 2018. This is the eighth […]

European Health Forum Gastein 2018: Health and Sustainable Development – Bold Political Choices for Agenda 2030

5. September 2018

3rd to 5th October 2018, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. This year the EHFG is an official event of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. We invite you to strengthen the case for European action on health and move forward. What priorities do we need to set, which risks should […]

Immunology Short Course for Clinicians and Scientists

30. August 2018

12th to 14th November 2018, London, United Kingdom. For over 20 years, the Department of Immunology has run a short course providing clinicians and scientists with a broad understanding of the complex field of immunology and an insight into the most recent advances in both scientific and clinical immunological research. […]

Better Methods for Clinical Studies in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology: A Hands-on Workshop

30. August 2018

7th to 9th November 2018, Seville, Spain. Perfect methods in designing and performing randomized controlled trials, observational studies and systematic reviews/meta-analyses allow us to draw recommendations for better treatment of our patients. The purpose of the workshop is to provide the participants with tools on how to phrase a research […]

2019 ISDS Annual Conference

30. August 2018

29th January to 1st February 2019, San Diego, CA, USA. The International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) conference is the premier event dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of biosurveillance. Every year, the ISDS conference draws approximately 400 professionals from a broad range of disciplines to learn […]

Der Tod dem Leben so nah…

29. August 2018

14. November 2018, Nürnberg, Deutschland. Abschied nehmen, loslassen und wieder neu beginnen steckt auch in vielen Alltagstätigkeiten und bestimmt unser Leben. Wir spüren unsere eigenen Ängste und unsere Hilflosigkeit und wissen oft nicht damit umzugehen… Wie wir im Sinne der Ganzheitlichkeit mit Schwerstkranken, Sterbenden den „richtigen“ Ton finden, so dass […]

International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance 2018

29. August 2018

9th to 12th November 2018, Vienna, Austria. IMED 2018 will once again bring leading scientists, clinicians and policy makers to Vienna to present new knowledge and breakthroughs and discuss how to discover, detect, monitor, understand, prevent, and respond to outbreaks of emerging pathogens. Since the last IMED in 2016, newly […]

Introduction to Sleep Medicine and Methodological Approaches

29. August 2018

10th December 2018 to 10th February 2019, online course. The Sleep & Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi), within the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN) is now offering an online programme in Sleep Medicine and in conjunction with this programme it is pleased to present standalone modules for those wishing to study […]

XII World Congress on Mountain Medicine

29. August 2018

21st to 24th November, Kathmandu, Nepal. In the tradition of the last 24 years, the biennial congress will continue to focus on high altitude medicine which is an important flagship of the International Society for Mountain Medicine. While originally this event focused mainly on science and research aspects of high […]