PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics)

22. Juli 2014

16th September 2014, Vienna, Austria



Using cost-effectiveness analysis to influence health policy:
the example of radon control

Cost-effectiveness analysis is being used increasingly by many countries around the world, to help decide what should be provided, and to improve the efficiency of health services. One example of this is the control of indoor radon exposure, globally the second major cause of lung cancer after smoking. In this presentation, Professor Alastair Gray draws on work in the UK, Finland, Norway, the Czech Republic, Ireland and the USA to illustrate how cost-effectiveness evidence was assembled, how it was used, and what impact it had.

We kindly invite you to our new lecture series PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) jointly organised between the Department of Health Economics, Centre for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Technology Assessment.

The aim of the programme is to invite international experts in health economics and related thematic areas to present their latest research and reflect on its potential relevance and transferability to the Austrian context.

We are pleased to announce the first speaker Professor Alastair Gray from the Health Economics Research Centre, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford who will talk on “Using cost-effectiveness analysis to influence health policy: the example of radon control”

16 September 2014/4-5pm
Medical University of Vienna, Jugendstilhoersaal,
BT 88,  (Level 2),
Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Participation is free and all interested parties are welcome. However, as places are limited, pre-registration for the event is necessary. All relevant information and registration details are provided in the leaflet.


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.