Public health – A joint venture on all levels

26. Mai 2015

30th September to 2nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria

EHFG-2015-1PALike every year in May, the World Health Assembly – decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO) – brought together delegates from all WHO Member States to discuss global health issues. The agenda for 2015 covered topics ranging from emergency preparedness over antimicrobial resistance to specific diseases such as Malaria – making it once again all too obvious how manifold the reasons for a supra-national approach to health policy making are.

Yet, when it comes to efficient and responsive health policies, not only cooperation between countries is required but also between policy areas. On the European level, the European Commission aims to put this inter-national, inter-policy maxim into practice by advocating the “Health in All Policies” approach, thereby doing justice to the fact that there is hardly an area of public policy that does not play into the field of health in one way or another, and vice versa. However, while the rationale behind the “Health in All Policies” approach seems well grounded and clear, the reality is often somewhat troublesome. Ongoing developments such as population ageing and the accompanying epidemiological transitions, causing a shift towards chronic diseases and multimorbidities, pose ever new challenges to health systems all over the world and require increased joint actions.

The European Health Forum Gastein aims to signpost European health policy making by recapitulating recent developments, enriching and facilitating ongoing debates, providing a platform for the exchange of experiences and pointing towards possible future policy alignments.  This agenda in mind, for this year’s conference we decided to put a special emphasis on the importance of the “Health in All Policy” approach by dedicating a whole plenary session to this topic and inviting high-ranking speakers from different areas of policy making to contribute to the debate. The overall aim is to shed some light on the issue of how to achieve greater coherence in health policy making and thereby securing the health of European citizens – true to our 2015 topic

“Securing health in Europe. Balancing priorities, sharing responsibilities”

30th September to 2nd October

Bad Hofgastein, Austria

You can find further information on the European Health Forum Gastein in our first Programme Announcement.

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Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.