Study at Radboud University!

29. Februar 2016

Logo_Radboud UniversityLibrary2_radboud universityAbout Radboud University and the Faculty of Medical Sciences

The Netherlands are a very international, open minded country. We welcome international students and visitors from all over the world! Radboud University is a student-oriented university, where you can assure yourself of a top-flight education. In our educational approach individual responsibility, independence and small-sized classes are fundamental and student motivation is a key feature. You will participate in group-oriented education, using state of the art research facilities.

The faculty of medical sciences is set in the hospital, so your work translates directly to the clinic (bench to bedside research). Unique to our programmes is that each student has a personal mentor/tutor, to help you with your study programme and career perspectives.

Our faculty has a great reputation and strong links with research centres abroad, and our graduates are highly valued by research institutes and health-care organisations all over the world.

Both our Master’s programmes Molecular Mechanisms of Disease and Biomedical sciences have been rated best in their field in the Netherlands. Next to studying, there are many other things to do, as Nijmegen is a lovely student-city, teeming with life and Radboud’s sport centre is the best in the world according to students.

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About the Research Master’s programme in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease

  • You will follow a broad biomedical programme that allows you to specialise in your specific field

of interest within the molecular life sciences

  • The programme is highly selective (with only 24 places available each year)
  • The student group is very international (1/3 Dutch, 1/3 EU, 1/3 non-EU)
  • The programme has a strong focus on research
  • A high percentage of students has a PhD position upon graduation

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About the Master’s programme in Biomedical Sciences

  • You will follow a broad biomedical programme that allows you to specialise in your specific field

of interest (Molecule-Man-Population).

Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS), the Donders Centre for Neuroscience and the Radboud Institute

for Health Sciences (RIHS).

  • You choose your own focus within the entire scale of Molecule to Man to Population, and fitting

within one or two of the research institutes

  • Design your own programme, make it truly fit your own academic and professional interests
  • Choose to focus on research communication or consultancy, or a combination of these
  • A high percentage of students has a job upon graduation

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Find more information about Radboud University here.

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.