33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Anthropology and Medicine (AGEM) – Radical Health. Doing Medicine, Health Care, and Anthropology of the Good

24. Juni 2020

2nd to 4th October 2020, Berlin, Germany. In contemporary times of proliferating neoliberalization, augmenting socio-economic disparity, environmental degradation, and political struggles around identities and belonging, health and well-being are becoming increasingly fragile. Entangled economic, ecological, social, cultural, and political factors affect people’s living environments and professional worlds and render health […]

HSR 2020: Re-imagining Health Systems for Better Health and Social Justice

26. Mai 2020
HSR 2020

8th to 12th November 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Ten years on from the First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, health systems around the world are still far from achieving the Sustainable Development Goal to “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. They remain predominantly […]

APHA 2020 — Creating the Healthiest Nation: Preventing Violence

23. April 2020

24th to 28th October 2020, San Francisco, CA, USA. Violence is a leading cause of premature death, particularly among children, adolescents and young adults. This serious health and public health threat directly impacts life and limb, lowers life expectancy and undermines future achievement. Both deadly violence and the high incidence […]

Video Conference: International Conference on Food Microbiology and Food Safety

31. März 2020

14th to 15th June 2020, video conference.  In order to restrain our participants from travelling during pandemic covid-19 we have introduced this new feature of video conferencing – a convenient way of sharing and discussion. The idea of the conference, hosted by the Institute of Research Engineers and Scientists (IRES), […]

ICRMBC 2020: 14th International Conference on Reproductive Medicine and Birth Control

30. März 2020
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

22nd to 23rd October 2020, Istanbul, Turkey. The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of […]

EACR 2020 Congress: Innovative Cancer Science

25. Februar 2020
European Association for Cancer Research

17th to 20th June 2020, Torino, Italy. The EACR annual congress brings together thousands of cancer researchers in a four day congress dedicated to basic, preclinical and translational cancer research across a wide breadth of topics.  It will highlight the latest research and bring together the cancer research community to […]

European Calcified Tissue Society 2020

24. Februar 2020

16th to 19th May 2020, Marseille, France. European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) serves as a forum for researchers and clinicians working in the musculoskeletal field to discover and discuss the latest advances and controversies in research and in the daily care of patients. ECTS 2020 will focus on the best […]

Better Future of Healthy Ageing (BFHA) 2020

24. Februar 2020

6th to 7th April 2020, Zagreb, Croatia. Better Future of Healthy Ageing (BFHA) 2020 will bring together researchers, health professionals, representatives of the European Commission and other research and professional bodies from Europe and beyond. It will address one of the most important challenges of the European society – ageing. […]

Advances in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Therapies Focus Meeting 2020

24. Februar 2020

2nd to 5th April 2020, Vienna, Austria. The meeting will present all the latest breakthroughs in treatment, translational R&D, early diagnosis, drug development and clinical trials in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other related neurological disorders. A central theme will be to further advance innovative strategies in therapy and prevention, clinical trials […]

21st European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery

29. Januar 2020

26th to 28th April 2020, Oslo, Norway. The European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES) welcomes you to the 21st European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ECTES). Similarly to previous editions of our congress, the European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery will retain its international character this year […]