Digital Health

6. Juli 2022

Self-paced, online.  Millions of health-related data points are captured every day, from individual-level information collected by our personal devices and tests at the doctor’s office to population-level data about disease prevalence and treatment outcomes. Digital technologies have transformed how we buy and listen to music and how we plan our […]

Global Perspectives on Digital Health

28. Oktober 2021

10th to 14th January 2022, online. 14th to 18th February 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands. This two-week blended course offers an introduction and overview of digital health, including a strong emphasis on how in reality, digital health functions in various settings. Participants will discuss how digital health interventions can help push the […]

The Digital Healthcare Show 2019

24. Mai 2019

26th to 27th June 2019, London, United Kingdom. The Digital Healthcare Show represents two game-changing days of exceptional education, myth-busting, inspirational collaborative case-studies and digital health insight from around the UK and beyond. Digital Healthcare and ehi Live sit at the heart of Health+Care, the largest integrated healthcare event in […]

Apo-App: Mobile Information zu Apotheken und Medikamenten

28. Februar 2019
Mag. Silvia Pickner

von Mag. Silvia Pickner. Mit der praktischen Apo-App der Österreichischen Apothekerkammer finden Sie schnell die nächstgelegene Apotheke, können Medikamenteninformationen nachschlagen und haben Ihre Gesundheitsdaten immer mit dabei. Als einzige Gesundheitsapp mit validen und vollständigen Informationen zu den heimischen Apotheken und Medikamenten unterstützt sie die User beim eigenverantwortlichen Umgang mit Arzneimitteln. Rasche […]

The 6th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy)

30. November 2017

21st to 23rd February 2018, Tel Aviv, Israel.   Over the years, our CODHy congress has provided an exclusive platform for excellent academic debates, providing a forum for international experts in the field of Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension to discuss and compare data. This unique congress format provides excellent exposure […]