Study Health & Science PG Courses in London – free online courses available

19. November 2015

  Do you want to understand how infectious diseases such as Ebola can be controlled? Are you concerned about healthcare issues in Europe? Do you want to improve health worldwide? Then join us at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the world-leading centre for research and postgraduate education […]

Study Health & Science PG Courses in London – Scholarships available

23. Januar 2015

September 2015, London, UK Do you want to understand how infectious diseases such as Ebola can be controlled? Are you concerned about healthcare issues in Europe? Do you want to improve health worldwide? Then join us at the London School for Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the world-leading centre for research […]

Blog Medizinethnologie startet mit Beitragsreihe zu Ebola

12. Januar 2015

Der neue Blog „Medizinethnologie: Körper, Gesundheit und Heilung in einer globalisierten Welt“ richtet sich an medizinethnologisch Interessierte aus der weiteren Öffentlichkeit (Medizin, Psychiatrie, Medien, Gesundheitsarbeit) sowie an Studierende und WissenschaftlerInnen aus dem akademischen Bereich. Moderiert wird er von der Arbeitsgruppe Medical Anthropology in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde, die seit […]

Ebola: Management & Treatment

18. November 2014

weekly courses until 2015, Würzburg, Germany First Level Training / Pre-deployment Training Aims The current Ebola outbreak in West Africa continues to evolve in alarming ways. The most effective means to contain the outbreak involves setting up Ebola Treatment Centres and isolation units, and managing them according to international standards […]

Risk Assessment and Updates on Ebola Virus

22. Oktober 2014

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is an EU agency aimed at strengthening Europe’s defences against infectious diseases. ECDC’s mission is to identify, assess and communicate current and emerging threats to human health posed by infectious diseases. Recent developments on the Ebola Outbreak, news and epidemiological updates can be […]