Food Security in a Changing Climate

22. Juli 2021

20th September to 3rd December 2021, online. Climate Change has a negative impact on food security. Societies need to learn to cope with the changes predicted. That needs appropriate responses by government. However, in many countries the existing governance structures and leadership are not suited to manage climate change.  In […]

Water and Sanitation Course – from Emergency Towards Development 2021

5. Juli 2021

1st to 30th of September 2021, online. 2nd to 7th of October 2021, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. The main objective of this course is to train qualified and motivated engineers and scientists who are active (or intending to become active) in the WASH-sector in humanitarian contexts. The participants should be able, at the end of […]

Pandemic Influenza Vaccines Course:
National Deployment and Vaccination Plans

5. Juli 2021
World Health Organization

anytime, online. National deployment and vaccination plans for pandemic influenza vaccines represent an important foundation for an effective and efficient pandemic influenza deployment response, which should be reflected in successful vaccination of the target population with no vaccine wastage and optimal operational efficiency.  Through a series of short video lectures, […]

Pancreatic Diseases Course

5. Juli 2021

8th to 9th October 2021, online. ESGAR (European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology) and EDS (European Digestive Society) aim to join forces in the organization of a multidisciplinary course on pancreatic diseases. The participants will learn how diagnosis depends on the structure of the pancreatic lesion, which can be […]

Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Competency-based Approach

10. September 2021

anytime, online. This course will equip clinicians who frequently prescribe antimicrobials with knowledge and tools to improve their use of these essential medications in daily clinical practice. Through case based examples, the course will highlight how antimicrobial stewardship principles can be applied to common clinical scenarios. We will first review […]

Travel Health for Expatriates and Their Families

2. Juni 2021

from 1st October 2021, online The course provides an overview of health-related issues expatriates and their families may face during their stay abroad. The goal of the course is to equip participants with all necessary background information on preventive measures to be considered before leaving their home country and to […]

Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs

9. Mai 2021
Harvard University

anytime, online This course, developed in collaboration with the Community Health Academy at Last Mile Health, introduces learners to the core concepts of community health worker programs, and explores what is needed to build and strengthen large-scale programs in order to improve access to high-quality health services.  The curriculum highlights […]

Occupational Health and Safety for Health Workers in the Context of Covid-19

16. November 2020

anytime, online course. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, working conditions for health workers may deteriorate. In addition to the risks of infection with COVID-19, health workers continue to experience other occupational health and safety risks of biological, physical or psychosocial nature. Therefore, for the protection of physical and […]

MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe

24. Februar 2021
Harvard University

Until 30th April 2021, online. How can we eradicate malaria? Explore the scientific and technological underpinnings of malaria, as well as the historical, political, social, and economic contexts in which control, elimination, and eradication efforts unfold. Through foundational lectures and supplemental interviews, this course provides participants with a toolbox of […]

Going USA 2021: Weiterbildung, Fellowship & Forschung

8. Februar 2021

23rd February 2021, online. Are you interested in residency and/or research work in the USA? Are you interested in an Internship and Residency at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, USA? Going International and the Alumni Club of Medical University Vienna would like to invite you to attend this year’s Going USA online information event. The event […]