TB Alliance – Annual Report

11. April 2016

Tuberculosis – A Global Threat Tuberculosis (TB) is a global disease, found in every country in the world. It is the leading infectious cause of death worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that two billion people – one third of the world’s population – are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), […]

International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance

1. April 2016

5th June to 1st July 2016, New York City, USA. In order to enable humanitarian aid workers who are actively engaged in the field to attend the training program, and in an attempt to create a teaching program which reflects the complexity and intensity of the conditions humanitarian workers face, the IDHA […]

Global Perspectives in Nursing

22. Januar 2016

Start: 2nd July 2016, Cordoba, Argentina. In 2001 Argentina experienced the worst economic collapse of its history, yet since then, the country has been on a path to economic growth and social inclusion. Over the last several years, there has been a concerted effort to provide care to those without […]

Humanitarian Assistance

13. Januar 2016

Start: September 2017, Baltimore, MD, USA. This certificate program focuses on humanitarian assistance in the international health context. The program is a major educational activity of the Center for Refugee and Disaster Response. The Center receives technical assistance from the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Pan American Health […]

TAT 2016 – Congress on Targeted Anticancer Therapies

7. Januar 2016

21st to 23rd March 2016, Washington, D.C., USA.TAT Congress is a medium-sized annual meeting encompassing 3 days of plenary sessions, poster viewing sessions, special symposia, international faculty and excellent networking opportunities. It is held in Europe (odd years) and the USA (even years). This year the 14th International Congress on Targeted […]

Symptom-based Integrated Approach to the Adult in Primary Care – Primary Care 101

10. Dezember 2015

  What is Primary Care 101? Primary Care 101 is a symptom-based integrated clinical management guideline using an algorithmic approach for the management of common symptoms and chronic conditions in adults. The guidelines are intended for use by all health care practitioners working at primary care level in South Africa. […]

A Range of Masters’ Programmes for 2016/17

16. November 2015

Apply now for September 2016! The Leeds Institute of Health Sciences is part of the University of Leeds‘ School of Medicine. The Institute hosts the Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development which has been a major international resource for education, research and technical assistance in health and development for […]

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Short Courses 2015/2016

22. Oktober 2015

In 2016, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) will offer several courses in international/global health, targeting working professionals who want to broaden their knowledge and skills in this field. Swiss TPH has long-standing experience in teaching at local, national and international levels and cooperates with many institutions […]

7th International Symposium Global Mental Health

3. September 2015

31. Oktober 2015, München, Deutschland. Mental Health in Developing Countries The CIHLMU Center for International Health, the Global Mental Health GroupLMU at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, and the International Network for Cooperation in Mental Health (i.nez), are organizing the 7th International Symposium on “Global Mental Health – Mental […]

Master in Public Health in Australien und 1x um den Erdball

1. September 2015

Erfahrungsbericht von Marlene Brettenhofer. Meine Stationen im Überblick 3 Monate Südostasien (Thailand, Kambodscha, Vietnam, Laos) – knapp 2 Jahre Australien – 5 Wochen Neuseeland – 3 Monate Kolumbien Der Anfang… Nach dem Abschluss des Magisterstudienganges an der Fachhochschule Pinkafeld in der Fachrichtung Gesundheitsmanagement und ‑förderung startete ich im Bereich der […]