2nd V4 Conference on Public Health 2015

19. August 2015

17th and 18th September 2015, Zabrze, Poland. Health for public, public for health. Welcome to the 2nd V4 conference on public health „Health for public, public for health“. Tygiel Foundation and School of Public Health, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice and Silesia Division of Polish Public Health Association (PTZP)proudly […]

18th European Health Forum Gastein – Sneak Preview

23. Juni 2015

30th September to 2nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. How can we work together on securing the health of all European citizens? Which priorities should we set – especially against a background of limited resources – and which international and intersectoral synergies can we form? These and other questions are […]

Die Akademie für Globale Gesundheit und Entwicklung (AGGE)

1. Juni 2015

Gut vorbereitet in den Auslandseinsatz. Die „Akademie für Globale Gesundheit und Entwicklung“ (AGGE) qualifiziert Fachkräfte um im Ausland im Bereich der internationalen Gesundheitsarbeit tätig zu werden. Die Fortbildungen richten sich besonders an medizinische Fachkräfte, sowie auch an Nicht-Mediziner. Das Themenrepertoire reicht von Tropenmedizin über Laborkurse bis hin zu vielzähligen Public […]

Plans for humanitarian assistance to protracted emergencies

29. April 2015

2015 WHO Humanitarian Response: Summary of health priorities and WHO projects in interagency strategic response plans for humanitarian assistance to protracted emergencies In 2014, WHO and humanitarian health partners responded to an unprecedented number of concurrent major humanitarian crises. Fuelled by conflict, the crises in the Central African Republic, Iraq, […]

International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance

12. März 2015

31st May to 27th June 2015, New York City, USA In order to enable humanitarian aid workers who are actively engaged in the field to attend the training program, and in an attempt to create a teaching program which reflects the complexity and intensity of the conditions humanitarian workers face, […]

18. wissenschaftliche Tagung der ÖGPH

23. März 2015

28. und 29. Mai 2015, St. Pölten, Österreich Unstoppable Public Health – Denken über Grenzen hinweg Die Jahrestagung der ÖGPH hat sich als die österreichische Konferenz in Sachen Public Health entwickelt. Jahr für Jahr trifft sich die heimische Public Health Community, die in den Bereichen  Forschung, Lehre, Praxis und Policy tätig ist. […]

Kongress Armut und Gesundheit 2015

28. Januar 2015

5. und 6. März 2015, Berlin, Deutschland Der Kongress Armut und Gesundheit wird ein ganz Besonderer: Wir begehen sein 20-jähriges Jubiläum. In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten konnte sich der Kongress von einer einst studentischen Bewegung hin zur größten in Deutschland stattfindenden Public Health-Veranstaltung entwickeln. Vom diesjährigen Kongressmotto „Gesundheit gemeinsam verantworten“ erhoffen […]

Barcelona Course on Health Financing: Universal Health Coverage

16. Dezember 2014

16th to 20th March 2015, Barcelona, Spain WHO/Europe is pleased to announce the 5th annual Barcelona Course on Health Financing, a week-long intensive course offered through its WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Strengthening. The deadline for receiving applications is 20 January 2015. Programme Addressing the theme of universal health […]

Project „University Global Health Impact“

16. Dezember 2014

          The University Global Health Impact Report Card evaluates the top U.S. and Canadian research universities on their contributions to urgent global health research and access to treatment worldwide. A project of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM), the Report Card uses publicly-available and self-reported information […]

World AIDS Day 2014: Closing the gap in HIV prevention and treatment

19. November 2014

1 December 2014 On World AIDS Day 2014, the World Health Organization will issue new recommendations to help countries close important gaps in HIV prevention and treatment services. The guidelines will include advice on providing antiretroviral drugs for people who have been exposed to HIV – such as health workers, […]