Report on e-cigarettes to WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

22. Oktober 2014

The report on “Electronic nicotine delivery systems” (ENDS), of which electronic cigarettes are the most common prototype, was on the agenda of the 6th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), held 13-18 October 2014, in Moscow. E-cigarettes and similar devices are […]

Principles of Public Health

22. Oktober 2014

Date Tba, California, USA Principles of Public Health introduces the major concepts of public health and the determinants of health status in communities. The course emphasizes the ecological model that focuses on the linkages and relationships among multiple natural and social determinants affecting health. As a relative concept, the health of […]

WHO Advanced Course on Health Financing for Universal Coverage

19. März 2014

16th to 20th June 2014, Nairobi, Kenya Course announcement The World Health Organization is pleased to announce its first Advanced Course on Health Financing for Universal Coverage for low and middle income countries to be held from 16-20 June 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya. This week-long advanced training program is based on the Barcelona […]

4th EUSPR Conference – Understanding differences in prevention outcomes

18. Oktober 2013

13th to 15th November 2013, Paris, France It is well known that differences in health and wellbeing within and between populations are influenced by a range of biological and social factors. However, less attention has been given to identifying how differences in these factors may influence the experiences or outcomes […]

15th Humanitarian Congress Berlin

23. September 2013

    25th to 27th October 2013, Berlin, Germany Building on the success of last year’s congress, the XV. Humanitarian Congress Berlin to be held 25 – 27th October 2013 will unite more than 70 international experts in over 20 lectures, workshops, case studies and panel discussions. This year’s topic […]

The EU Aid Volunteers‘ initiative

20. September 2013

      Humanitarian organisations need more well-prepared and trained people to carry out projects helping communities struck by disasters. The EU Aid Volunteers‘ initiative intends to provide Europeans interested to help with the opportunity to provide their support in the countries where help is needed. The majority of the […]

International Organization for Migration

16. August 2013

IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants. As the leading international organization for migration, IOM acts with its partners in the international community to: – Assist in meeting the growing operational […]

The Standing Committee of European Doctors

19. August 2013

    The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) aims to promote the highest standards of medical training and medical practice in order to achieve the highest quality of health care for all patients in Europe. CPME is also concerned with the promotion of public health, the relationship between patients […]

Master in Health Economics and Policy

6. Mai 2013

October 2013 to June 2014, Barcelona, Spain Applications until June 25! One-year master program taught in English by a world-class faculty. Health Economics and Policy is programs where students acquire the skills to appraise existing policy interventions and formulate improvements over these policies in order to get better health outcomes. […]

Africa Health

16. April 2013

Africa Health is the primary healthcare journal for Sub Saharan Africa with over 35 years of continuous publication and over 60,000 readers, it provides cost effective advertising and promotional opportunities for organisations worldwide to connect with this key audience. Africa Health media information 2013 key facts and figures Your print […]