Introduction to Mathematical Models of the Epidemiology & Control of Infectious Diseases

28. Mai 2019

9th to 20th September 2019, London, United Kingdom.  In recent years our understanding of infectious-disease epidemiology and control has been greatly increased through mathematical modelling. With infectious diseases frequently dominating news headlines, public health and pharmaceutical industry professionals, policy makers and infectious disease researchers increasingly need to understand the transmission patterns […]

Health Economics for Public Health Practice and Research

26. September 2018

8th to 10th April 2019, Bangor, United Kingdom. This 2-day short course in Health Economics for Public Health Practice and Research will take place from 8th to 10th April 2019, building on 20 years of our experience in teaching health economics to public health practitioners and those undertaking research in […]

ÖÄK Zertifikatslehrgang Angiologische Basisdiagnostik

3. September 2015

Start: 28. November 2015, Graz, Österreich. Ziel Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer erwerben Grundkompetenzen auf dem Gebiet der Gefäßmedizin und erlernen die praktische Durchführung der Bestimmung des Knöchelarmindex mit Hilfe des Doppler Ultraschalls. Themen Der Lehrgang vermittelt Grundkenntnisse über periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheiten und der venösen Thromboembolie: – Häufigkeit und Entstehung – Bedeutung […]