32nd Congress of the ESP and XXXIII International Congress of the IAP

29. Juli 2020
ESP IAP Congress

6th to 8th December 2020, online. With Glasgow 2020 now a virtual meeting, European Society of Pathology (ESP) and International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP) have been redesigning and updating the congress schedule, including sessions on COVID-19 pathology, with significantly reduced registration fees, which allow the broadest possible […]

Evidence-based Healthcare Evaluation: Introduction to Evidence Synthesis and Health Economics

28. Juli 2020
MedUni Wien

2021 – tbc, Vienna, Austria. The scientific evaluation of health care as a whole and individual healthcare services and technologies are a fundamental element of policy and funding decisions in healthcare systems. This course aims to introduce the basic concepts and methods of evidence-based healthcare evaluation through relevant steps from […]

MR Imaging of Rectal Cancer Workshop

28. Juli 2020

17th to 18th December 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This course is a full two days hands-on training course on rectal MRI.  In an interactive setting over 75 cases will be evaluated by each participant covering the entire spectrum of staging of the mid, upper and low rectal tumors, restaging after […]

16th World Congress on Public Health 2020 – Public Health for the Future of Humanity: Analysis, Advocacy and Action

28. Juli 2020
16th World Congress on Public Health 2020

12th to 16th October 2020, online. The World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI) and the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) are pleased to invite you to the 16th World Congress on Public Health. The global public health community will […]

ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene) Annual Meeting

3. Juli 2020

15th to 19th November 2020, Toronto, Canada. The ASTMH Annual Meeting is the premier forum for the exchange of scientific advances in tropical medicine/global health and hygiene. The meeting draws tropical medicine and global health professionals representing academia, foundations, government, not for profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, military and […]

33rd ECNP – European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress

1. Juli 2020

12th to 15th September 2020, online.         The annual ECNP* Congress is Europe’s premier scientific meeting for disease-oriented brain research. Held in autumn every year, the Congress brings together a vibrant group of psychiatrists, neuroscientists and neurologists from around the world to discuss the latest developments in […]

1st TAE/ESCMID Leadership Academy: Creating future leaders in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology

24. Juni 2020

26th to 27th September 2020, Belgrade, Serbia. This year’s ESCMID postgraduate education course in Serbia aims to address the challenges and opportunities in clinical microbiology (CM) and infectious diseases (ID), to provide updates in training curriculum to address shifting needs, to help trainees and young consultants acquire knowledge and skills […]

33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Anthropology and Medicine (AGEM) – Radical Health. Doing Medicine, Health Care, and Anthropology of the Good

24. Juni 2020

2nd to 4th October 2020, Berlin, Germany. In contemporary times of proliferating neoliberalization, augmenting socio-economic disparity, environmental degradation, and political struggles around identities and belonging, health and well-being are becoming increasingly fragile. Entangled economic, ecological, social, cultural, and political factors affect people’s living environments and professional worlds and render health […]

Making Decentralization Work: Policy and Management Issues and Implications of COVID-19

17. Juni 2020
Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

  3rd to 14th August 2020, online. Purpose Is decentralization good for improving the performance of a health system?  This is a recurrent issue debated in many countries and made even more important in the current COVID-19 outbreak, as different levels of government try to rapidly respond to the crisis.   […]

12th Experts “Live” CTO Workshop 2020

26. Mai 2020
Euro CTO Club

11th to 12th September 2020, Berlin, Germany. The progress of interventional therapy for chronic total occlusions (CTO) is a success story of both developments in procedural strategies accompanied by rapid progress in medical devices, specifically dedicated wires and microcatheters, but also the success of drug-eluting stents to achieve a long-term […]