1. Fachtag Medikamentation im Alter

18. August 2014

18. Oktober 2014, Wien, Österreich Krankheiten behandeln und berücksichtigen! Die medikamentöse Therapie im Alter stellt die behandelnden Ärztinnen und Ärzte vor eine große Herausforderung. Die Gratwanderung zwischen einer ausufernden Polypharmazie und einem therapeutischen Nihilismus ist oft nur ein schmaler. Letztendlich geht es aber nicht nur um die Therapie und die Gefahr der Interaktionen, sondern […]

Intensive Update Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers‘ Health

19. August 2014

6th and 7th October 2014, Pennsylvania, USA ASTMH has developed this course as an update in the essential components of tropical medicine and travelers‘ health. This two-day meeting is designed for physicians and for all other health care providers working in tropical medicine or travelers‘ health. Speakers are internationally recognized […]

25th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers

19. August 2014

10th to 13th September 2014, Berlin, Germany “The Healthcare Industry – Our Responsibility Towards People” … is the keynote theme of the 25th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM). Health and economics form a particularly sensitive pair of terms. Responsibly harmonising both in the interest of patients […]

2nd Berlin Neonatology Summer School

22. Juli 2014

5th and 6th September 2014, Berlin, Germany The care of the newborn infant is an ever-evolving field, and therefore neonatologists are in constant search for the best treatment available for their little patients and the evidence supporting it. The Berlin Neonatology Summer School was set up to cover this need, combining […]

Dreiländertagung der Medizinischen Physik

22. Juli 2014

7. bis 10. September 2014, Zürich, Schweiz Die Dreiländertagung wird von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Strahlenbiologie und Medizin-Physik (SGSMP) gemeinsam mit der Deutschen (DGMP) und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Medizin–Physik (ÖGMP) ausgerichtet. In der Schweiz feiern wir dieses Jahr das 50-jährige Bestehen der SGSMP, die ursprünglich von Strahlenbiologen aus der Taufe […]

22. Endo Club Nord

22. Juli 2014

7. und 8. November 2014, im CCH Hamburg, Deutschland Der Siegeszug der flexiblen Endoskopie setzt sich in immer rasanterem Tempo fort. Die Entwicklung der flexiblen Endoskopie hat sich in den letzten Jahren unübersehbar schnell weiterentwickelt und hat in ihrem Siegeszug inzwischen Möglichkeiten erreicht, von denen wir vor einigen Jahren gar nicht […]

Certificate in the Detection, Diagnosis and Management of Hepatitis B and C in Primary Care

22. Juli 2014

This online course forms the first activity for the RCGP Certificate in the Detection, Diagnosis and Management of Hepatitis B and C in Primary Care. This course can also be completed as a stand-alone activity for your self-directed learning. The course has been developed by a multidisciplinary team including primary […]

ESC Congress 2014

23. Juli 2014

30th August to 3rd September 2014, Barcelona, Spain  Innovation and the Heart: The spotlight of this year’s congress captures innovations in scientific discovery, clinical practice, technology, education and importantly in applications to clinical care. Cardiology is evolving rapidly and it is critically important to keep up to date, not only in the areas of our […]

22nd Endo Club Nord

22. Juli 2014

7th and 8th November 2014, Hamburg, Germany The widespread triumph of the flexible endoscopy has been building at an ever increasing speed.  It is impossible to overlook the rapidity with which flexible endoscopy has developed in the past few years, offering possibilities of which we would not have even dared to dream a few […]

AICR 2014 Annual Research Conference

11. Juni 2014

29th to 31st October, Washington DC, USA The Annual Research Conference is a unique forum that brings together researchers and clinicians for a three-day program that is dedicated to increasing knowledge, stimulating research and promoting prevention and treatment of cancer through nutrition, physical activity and weight management. Who Should Attend: […]