School Mental Health: Treating Students K-12

29. November 2021
Harvard University

4th to 5th February 2022, online. As we emerge from the pandemic and schools return to in-person learning, clinicians and educators will need to address its many effects on the mental health of children in the evolving ‘new normal’ school environment. This course will equip participants with up-to-date knowledge and […]

World Mental Health Day 2021

4. Oktober 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on people’s mental health. Some groups, including health and other frontline workers, students, people living alone, and those with pre-existing mental health conditions, have been particularly affected. And services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders have been significantly disrupted. Yet there […]

14th European Public Health Conference 2021

28. September 2021

10th to 12th November 2021, online. European public health has not had a good COVID strategy. Across Europe the public health response to the pandemic has been largely unsuccessful. This is despite an enormous amount of very hard work in public health units all across the EU. This reflects a […]

An Appeal to Raise Awareness of the Importance of Mental Health Care and Suicide Prevention
(After the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemia)

18. Juni 2020

Introduction by Dr. Andraž Teršek. Mental healthcare and the prevention of suicide are highly important problems of contemporarily society. Mental health is considered to be one of the biggest and most serious health problems in Europe, according to the statistical data of the WHO and EU Commission. During the 2020 […]

Youth Mental Health: Helping Young People with Anxiety

20. Dezember 2018
University of East Anglia

Start: 4th February 2019, online course. Anxiety is a common condition experienced by young people that can escalate to a point where it impacts on their general wellbeing and activities of daily living, brain development and performance at school or college. If untreated the risk of developing chronic and enduring […]

7th International Symposium Global Mental Health

3. September 2015

31. Oktober 2015, München, Deutschland. Mental Health in Developing Countries The CIHLMU Center for International Health, the Global Mental Health GroupLMU at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, and the International Network for Cooperation in Mental Health (i.nez), are organizing the 7th International Symposium on “Global Mental Health – Mental […]

Global Mental Health – 27. Fachkonferenz der AGEM e.V.

25. Februar 2014

27. bis 29. Juni 2014, Heidelberg, Deutschland Psychische Gesundheit und Krankheit in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika aus ethnologischer und kulturpsychiatrischer Sicht Mit „Global Mental Health“ soll der begonnene Diskurs um das allgemeinere Postulat einer sogenannten „Global Health“ zwischen realen Perspektiven und konkreter Utopie themenspezifisch fortgeführt werden. Einladung und Call for […]

Mental Health: A key challenge for Europe in the 21st century

25. Februar 2014

This issue of Eurohealth is dedicated to the 2013 European Health Forum Gastein. The articles specifically focus on the theme of the 2013 conference “Building resilient and innovative health systems for Europe”, and will give readers an insight into some of the topics addressed in the various conference sessions.  David […]

Gender, Ethnicity & Mental Health

14. November 2013

      13th December 2013, London, United Kingdom This one day conference will critically examine and debate the role of Gender and Ethnicity and its impact on Mental Health, so we can become more inclusive of these factors in practice and service delivery. This one day conference will bring […]