Hämato/Onko Update Refresher

30. August 2019

21. bis 22. Februar 2020, Wien, Österreich. Der Hämato/Onko Update Refresher gehört zu den beliebtesten Fachtagungen für HämatologInnen und OnkologInnen in Österreich. Das Kursformat bietet in 2 Tagen ein umfassendes und wissenschaftliches Update über alle relevanten Themenbereiche und Leitlinien der Hämatologie und Onkologie. Das neutrale und praxisrelevante Fortbildungsprogramm berücksichtigt wesentliche Entwicklungen, Trends und […]

Molecular Analysis for Personalised Therapy Congress 2019 (MAP 2019)

2. August 2019

7th to 9th November 2019, London, UK. Molecular Analysis for Personalised Therapy Congress 2019 is a unique meeting established by global opinion leaders. The congress aims to integrate insights from tumour sample analysis into daily practice. The MAP Congress has grown into an influential, highly interactive forum which is a natural […]

International Congress on Innovative Approaches on Head & Neck Oncology (ICHNO) 2019

7. November 2018

14th to 16th March 2019, Barcelona, Spain. This biennial congress promises once again to provide a unique platform for the dissemination of the most relevant and cutting-edge science and innovation in the field of head and neck oncology. This congress has been shaping up to be a major international event […]

36th ESSO Congress

7. Juli 2016

14th to 16th September 2016, Krakow, Poland. The 36th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology in partnership with the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology will be held in Krakow. Focusing on bridging the disparity between minimum standards of care across Europe, the overarching theme of the Congress is ‘Optimising European […]

15th ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology

7. Januar 2016

12th to 17th March 2016, Ermatingen, Switzerland. Aims and Objectives This clinically oriented educational programme has been designed for medical or clinical oncologists who wish to improve their skills or those who are preparing for the national board exam. The programme will expose participants to a full spectrum of issues […]

TAT 2016 – Congress on Targeted Anticancer Therapies

7. Januar 2016

21st to 23rd March 2016, Washington, D.C., USA.TAT Congress is a medium-sized annual meeting encompassing 3 days of plenary sessions, poster viewing sessions, special symposia, international faculty and excellent networking opportunities. It is held in Europe (odd years) and the USA (even years). This year the 14th International Congress on Targeted […]

ITOC – 3rd Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference

7. Januar 2016

21st to 23rd March 2016, Munich, Germany.   ITOC (Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference) is the European meeting intended to provide a platform for preclinical and clinical researchers in the field of immunotherapy. The conference will offer a wide range of opportunities and tools to gain exposure to experts in various disciplines […]

Fachtag Onko.Geriatrie Wien

19. Juni 2015

11. September 2015, Wien, Österreich. Personalisierte Krebstherapie im Alter Diese interdisziplinäre Fortbildung widmet sich 2015 dem Thema der Personalisierten Krebstherapie im Alter und richtet sich an alle interessierten AllgemeinmedizinerInnen, OnkologInnen und PflegerInnen, TherapeutInnen und PsychologInnen. Es erwartet Sie ein vielfältiges, gehaltvolles Programm einerseits mit Expertenvorträgen rund um das Hauptthema der […]

European Cancer Congress (ECC2015)

30. April 2015

25th to 29th September 2015, Vienna, Austria Reinforcing multidisciplinarity The 18th ECCO – 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress (ECC2015) is the largest event this year to present new data and ground-breaking information to oncology professionals.  This years‘ Congress is proud to introduce several other remarkable “firsts”! For the first time, […]

AICR 2014 Annual Research Conference

11. Juni 2014

29th to 31st October, Washington DC, USA The Annual Research Conference is a unique forum that brings together researchers and clinicians for a three-day program that is dedicated to increasing knowledge, stimulating research and promoting prevention and treatment of cancer through nutrition, physical activity and weight management. Who Should Attend: […]