Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics

20. Dezember 2018

Start: anytime, online. If you’ve ever skipped over the results section of a medical paper because terms like “confidence interval” or “p-value” go over your head, then you’re in the right place. You may be a clinical practitioner reading research articles to keep up-to-date with developments in your field or […]

The Health Effects of Climate Change

31. Oktober 2018
Harvard University

Start: 3rd January 2019, free online course. Our world’s climate is changing. Of the top twenty hottest years ever recorded, sixteen have occurred in the last two decades. This warming has already had a profound effect. Many feel powerless in the face of this challenge, but you can make a […]

Course in Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance

27. September 2018

Start: anytime, online course. Learn mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve perfomance  Stressed by the pace of modern life? Mindfulness might be the answer. Research shows that when you’re not deliberately paying attention to something, your brain goes into default mode causing increased anxiety and poor communication. Mindfulness can […]

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome: Introduction

26. September 2018

Start: anytime, online course. This introductory level online course aims to equip frontline responders with introductory level knowledge to manage MERS CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus). By the end of this course participants should be able to summarize symptoms, treatment, and prevention of MERS, describe transmission routes of MERS-CoV, […]

Introduction to Sleep Medicine and Methodological Approaches

29. August 2018

10th December 2018 to 10th February 2019, online course. The Sleep & Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi), within the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN) is now offering an online programme in Sleep Medicine and in conjunction with this programme it is pleased to present standalone modules for those wishing to study […]

Career 911: Your Future Job in Medicine and Healthcare

22. Juni 2018

Start: 30th July 2018, online course. This course aims to help high school students, recent graduates and those considering career transitions explore health care career options and learn strategies for entry into the health care workforce and health related fields. There are lots of amazing job opportunities in medicine and […]

Global Health and Disability

26. April 2018

Start: 4th June 2018, online course. Around 15% of the world’s population, or 1 billion people, live with some form of disability, with numbers continuing to rise over the coming decades. People with disabilities are often overlooked in national and international development, and can face widespread barriers in accessing services, […]

eHealth: More Than Just an Electronic Record

29. März 2018

Start: anytime, online course. The MOOC (massive open online course) “eHealth: More than just an electronic record!” is multidisciplinary in nature, and aims to equip the global audience of health clinicians, students, managers, administrators, and researchers to reflect on the overall impact of eHealth on the integration of care. It explores the […]

Cholera: Introduction

22. Februar 2018

Start: anytime, online course. Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food. This course provides a general introduction to cholera and is intended for personnel responding to outbreaks in complex emergencies or in settings where the basic environmental infrastructures have been damaged or destroyed. […]

Risk Communication Essentials – Get Social!

30. November 2017

Start: anytime, Online Course. Welcome to the online course on risk communication, a core public health intervention in any disease outbreak and health emergency. Risk communication refers to the real-time exchange of information, advice and opinions between experts, officials and people who face a threat to their wellbeing, to enable […]