Algorithms for DNA Sequencing – Online Course

2. September 2015

Start: 5th October 2015 – online course by the John Hopkins University. About the Course DNA sequencing is now a ubiquitous tool in life science. You can observe this trend just by reading the news. This course examines the computational problems that come with this onslaught of DNA sequencing data. How do we take a […]

Understanding Dementia

23. Juli 2015

Start: 17th August 2015, free online course by University of Tasmania. This is a course about dementia looking at a broad range of topics including basic brain anatomy, pathology, dementia research, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, medical management, living with dementia, progression and staging, palliation, behaviours and therapeutic approaches. In response […]

Programme for Volunteer Community Health Workers

24. September 2014

20th October to 8th December 2014, free online course Volunteer community health workers (CHWs) are a major strategy for increasing access to and coverage of basic health interventions. Our village health worker training course reviews the process of training and continuing education of CHWs as an important component of involving […]