International Day of People With Disabilities

30. November 2021

3rd of December 2022, worldwide This year, during the annual celebration of people with disabilities, the 2021 theme is „Fighting for rights in the post-COVID era.” We are celebrating the challenges, barriers and opportunities for people who live with disabilities, in the context of a global pandemic. Since March 2020, […]

International Conference on Primary Healthcare
in Austria and Europe

27. Juli 2021

09th September 2021, online. The conference is co-organised by the European Commission, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health Care and Consumer Protection and the European Health Forum Gastein and will be streamed online with live panel discussions hosted at the House of the European Union in Vienna. Save […]

Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment (PISA)

31. Oktober 2018

Start: anytime, online course. The Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment (PISA) tool is a framework for using existing influenza surveillance data to determine a qualitative judgment on the severity of a current influenza epidemic or pandemic in comparison to past epidemics and pandemics. In this context, severity refers to how many […]

Public Health Interventions in Pandemics and Epidemics

2. November 2017

Start: anytime, Online Course. The 21st century has witnessed changes – travel and trade, urbanization, environmental degradation and other trends that increase the risk of disease outbreaks, their spread and amplification into epidemics and pandemics. At the same time, the science and knowledge around infectious hazards are constantly evolving. This […]

Pandemic and Epidemic-Prone Diseases

29. September 2017

Start: anytime, Online Course. The past two decades have witnessed changes in how humans live. Travel and trade, rapid urbanization, limited access to health care as well as environmental degradation and other trends all create the conditions for epidemics to thrive and grow. At the same time, the science and […]