Health in Context: A Course in Multilevel Modelling

8. März 2016

11th to 15th April 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands. About Multilevel Modelling  Public health and health services research increasingly uses a statistical technique called multilevel modelling or multilevel analysis (MLA). Pioneering development of MLA methodology has been in education where researchers have been interested in studies examining how pupil outcomes (such as […]

Master of Public Health

18. Januar 2016

Start: September 2016, Burnaby, Canada. The Master of Public Health (MPH) program is a practice-based graduate degree that trains students in a breadth of research and practice intended to improve population health. It is the first Anglophone program in Canada to be accredited by the Council on Education for Public […]

Public Health Challenges: A Look Back, a Look Ahead

15. Dezember 2015

The end of 2015 is slowly approaching, and it surely has been a memorable year, both for European politics in general and for healthcare politics on a national and international level. The predominant topic on policy-makers’ agendas, especially during the last months, has been the refugee crisis.   The challenges […]

IUHPE’s 22nd World Conference on Health Promotion

9. Dezember 2015

22nd to 26th May 2016, Curitiba, Brazil. IUHPE Conferences are renowned events bringing together leading professionals in all corners of the world to take stock of the present state of knowledge and experiences, bring forward future challenges and shape the agenda to advance developments in health promotion. The IUHPE organizes triennial […]

CAS in Gesundheitsökonomie und gesundheitsökonomischer Evaluation

16. November 2015

Start: 16. Januar 2016, Zürich, Bern, Basel, Schweiz.   Im Zertifikatsstudiengang erwerben Teilnehmende Kompetenzen, um: – Gegebenheiten und Veränderungsprozesse im Gesundheitswesen auf Basis fundierter Grundkenntnisse der Gesundheitsökonomie zu beurteilen – Kosten-Nutzen-Bewertungen von Gesundheitsleistungen zu verstehen, selbst einfache Bewertungen durchzuführen und diese für praxisrelevante Fragen der Ressourcenallokation und Vergütung im Gesundheitswesen […]

A Range of Masters’ Programmes for 2016/17

16. November 2015

Apply now for September 2016! The Leeds Institute of Health Sciences is part of the University of Leeds’ School of Medicine. The Institute hosts the Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development which has been a major international resource for education, research and technical assistance in health and development for […]

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Short Courses 2015/2016

22. Oktober 2015

In 2016, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) will offer several courses in international/global health, targeting working professionals who want to broaden their knowledge and skills in this field. Swiss TPH has long-standing experience in teaching at local, national and international levels and cooperates with many institutions […]

Lehrgang Wundmanagement

22. Oktober 2015

Krems, Österreich. Professionelles Wundmanagement ist eine Expertise der diplomierten Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege geworden. Im Kurz- und Langzeit- wie auch Homecare-Bereich bedarf es Pflegepersonen, die Patient/inn/en und Angehörige beraten und versorgen können, damit diese adäquate Unterstützung für das Leben mit einer Wunde und der Grunderkrankung erhalten. Wunden, die früher als unheilbar […]

Master Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health

21. Oktober 2015

Start: September 2016, online course. The field of nutritional epidemiology and public health aims at elucidating the relationships between dietary intake, nutritional status and health outcomes. We train future epidemiologists in observational and intervention studies, with the aim of finding novel ways to preventing disease and promoting health. This will […]

22nd IUHPE World Conference On Health Promotion

15. Oktober 2015

22nd to 26th May 2016, Curitiba, Brazil. Promoting Health and Equity The Municipal Health Secretariat of Curitiba, the International Union for Health Promotion and Education and their partners are looking forward to hosting this important global public health and health promotion event. The 22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion […]