European Health Award 2015: Shortlist announced!

25. August 2015

30th September to 02nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. Six cross-border health projects have now been short-listed for the prestigious European Health Award 2015. They cover topics such as migrant health, mental health, evidence-based health promotion, the European Patients’ Rights Directive 2011/24/EU, TeleMedicine, cross-border inpatient treatment, and promotion of nutrition […]

2nd V4 Conference on Public Health 2015

19. August 2015

17th and 18th September 2015, Zabrze, Poland. Health for public, public for health. Welcome to the 2nd V4 conference on public health “Health for public, public for health”. Tygiel Foundation and School of Public Health, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice and Silesia Division of Polish Public Health Association (PTZP)proudly […]

Paris World Health Organization Simulation

19. August 2015

25th to 27th September 2015, Paris, France. The Paris World Health Organization Simulation (ParisWHO) is a 3-day student-led conference hosted in beautiful Paris, France by members of the Secretariat & EHESP. As the hub of all public health networks, this annual event will be the first of its kind in Paris and will follow […]

Working together – for a healthy Europe!

24. Juli 2015

30th September to 2nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. High-level representatives and decision-makers from all over Europe and beyond, about 600 participants from all fields related to health policy making, a three day programme filled with invigorating discussions on how to keep Europe’s health systems secure and Europe’s citizens healthy. […]

Master of Public Health at UNSW Sydney

20. Juni 2016

Start: Spring 2017, Sydney, Australia. Program Description The Master of Public Health (MPH) at UNSW Sydney is widely recognised as essential for a career in population health, including health promotion, primary health care, policy formulation, research, and management of health programs. Many of our graduates occupy key positions in health […]

18th European Health Forum Gastein – Sneak Preview

23. Juni 2015

30th September to 2nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. How can we work together on securing the health of all European citizens? Which priorities should we set – especially against a background of limited resources – and which international and intersectoral synergies can we form? These and other questions are […]

Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Two Year Fellowship

22. Juni 2015

Start: 1st July 2016, Atlanta, USA.       EIS is a 2-Year fellowship program for health professionals interested in the practice of applied epidemiology. EIS officers are selected from among highly qualified, eligible applicants drawn to public health service and interested in practicing applied epidemiology. Before applying, applicants should […]

Die Akademie für Globale Gesundheit und Entwicklung (AGGE)

1. Juni 2015

Gut vorbereitet in den Auslandseinsatz. Die „Akademie für Globale Gesundheit und Entwicklung“ (AGGE) qualifiziert Fachkräfte um im Ausland im Bereich der internationalen Gesundheitsarbeit tätig zu werden. Die Fortbildungen richten sich besonders an medizinische Fachkräfte, sowie auch an Nicht-Mediziner. Das Themenrepertoire reicht von Tropenmedizin über Laborkurse bis hin zu vielzähligen Public […]

Public health – A joint venture on all levels

26. Mai 2015

30th September to 2nd October 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria Like every year in May, the World Health Assembly – decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO) – brought together delegates from all WHO Member States to discuss global health issues. The agenda for 2015 covered topics ranging from emergency […]

4th International Festival of Public Health

26. Mai 2015

2nd July 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom ‘Global Health: the Good, the Bad and the Economy’ The University of Manchester is proud to announce the 4th annual International Festival of Public Health UK on Thursday July 2nd, 2015 in association with the Manchester Medical Society Public Health Forum and cities@manchester. The […]