Public Health Training in The Netherlands: Meeting the Dutch Social Medicine Residents

8. Oktober 2019

by Lilian van der Ven, MD, Amsterdam UMC In the Netherlands, a physician who has passed the final examinations in medicine can pursue training in an area of medical specialization. There are four types of specialist training: General Practitioner: 3 years; Specialist: 4-6 years; Public Health Specialist: 2.5-4 years and Nursing Home […]

World Food Day: Building a Zero Hunger Generation

4. Oktober 2019

16th October 2019, worldwide. On 16th October millions of people around the world will gather at marathons, exhibitions, concerts and marches to observe World Food Day. Initiated by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) it is one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar. […]

Aufsichtsrat in Gesundheitseinrichtungen – Vom Ratgeber zum Krisenmanager

8. Oktober 2019

von Dr. Marcus Willauer und Dr. Klaus Weigel Die Vernetzung ambulanter und stationärer Prozesse, die zunehmend komplexeren und nur schwer zu überblickenden Zusammenhänge der Gesetzgebung im Gesundheitswesen und nicht zuletzt die haftungsrechtlichen Aspekte wirken sich auf das Anforderungsprofil für Aufsichtsratsmitglieder in Krankenhausgesellschaften aus. Ein Aufsichtsratsmitglied muss selbst in der Lage […]

Universitätslehrgänge „Gesundheitsmanagement und Public Health“ und „Krankenhausmanagement“

23. August 2019

Start: November 2019, Krems, Österreich. Im November 2019 startet der nächste Universitätslehrgang „Health Care Management“ mit den Fachvertiefungen „Gesundheitsmanagement und Public Health“ bzw. „Krankenhausmanagement“ an der Donau-Universität Krems – Bewerbungen werden jederzeit gerne entgegengenommen. Mit dem Ziel, Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens effektiv und effizient führen zu können, vermittelt der Universitätslehrgang relevante […]

Hacking for Health at the European Health Forum Gastein 2019

9. August 2019

2nd to 4th October 2019, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. If you want to keep your finger on the pulse of European health and health policy, the EHFG is the place to be. Even more so this year, when we are inviting health professionals, IT specialists, marketing experts and others to join […]

Doktoratsstudium (Dr.phil/ PhDr) in Gesundheitswissenschaften/ Public Health

28. April 2019

Oktober 2019 bis April 2021, Bratislava, Slowakei und Wien, Österreich. Die St. Elisabeth Universität Bratislava (Sv. Alzbety) bietet in Kooperation mit Qualymed Akademie, 1010 Wien, einen Doktoratsabschluss im Bereich Public Health an. Das Studium ist für Personen gedacht, die entsprechende Vorstudien im Bereich Medizin/Pflege/Health Administration/Public Health/ Gesundheitswissenschaften mitbringen oder in […]

30th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP 2019)

30. April 2019

17th to 21st September 2019, Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK. The theme for IASP 2019 is “Breaking Down Walls and Building Bridges”, a theme that not only resonates with the landmarks in our beautiful city, but also reflects the work we do in suicide prevention and building hope for those in crisis. In […]

12th European Public Health Conference

3. April 2019

20th to 23rd November 2019, Marseille, France. Bridges are at the heart of the European idea. They have enabled people of this continent to come together, crossing historic and geographical frontiers, but they are not just physical structures and can take many less tangible forms. Public health has always meant […]

The 5th International Conference on Public Health

28. März 2019
ICOPH 2019

10th to 12th July 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) takes the pleasure to invite you to the 5th International Conference on Public Health 2019 (ICOPH 2019) which will be held from 10th to 12th July 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ICOPH 2019 will be an innovative and informative international conference reflecting […]

Making Decentralization Work: Tools for Health Policy Makers and Managers

7. März 2019

29th July to 8th August 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Experienced Harvard faculty developed the workshop Making Decentralization Work: Tools for Health Policy Makers and Managers to better equip policy makers and managers to meet the challenges encountered designing, implementing and managing a health care decentralization transition. While both theory and practice will […]