Trackling Complexity in Medicine and Public Health Using Large Databases

12. Juli 2018

22nd to 25th October 2018, Rome, Italy. This workshop will provide participants with an understanding of the theoretical foundation and practical skills necessary to apply qualitative methods for population health research. There is no previous knowledge of qualitative research needed. All participants are welcome, including public health professionals, graduate students […]

Doktoratsstudium (PhDr.) in Gesundheitswissenschaften/Public Health

30. Mai 2018

Start: Oktober 2018, Bratislava, Slowakei und Wien, Österreich. Die St. Elisabeth Universität Bratislava (Sv. Alzbety) bietet in Kooperation mit Qualymed Akademie ein Doktoratsstudium in Public Health an. Das Studium ist für Personen gedacht, die mit dem Gesundheitswesen vertraut sind und dementsprechende Vorstudien absolviert haben. Voraussetzung für die Inskription sind 300 ECTS, unterschiedliche […]

7th International Public Health Conference

23. Mai 2018

28th to 30th August 2018, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia. It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 7th International Public Health Conference 2018 which will be held under the the theme “IR 4.0 & New Health Paradigm” in Kuala Lumpur from 28th – 30th August 2018. The conference is […]

Global Health Internship in the Ecuadorian Rainforest

16. Mai 2018

1. Background  Foundation Human Nature (FHN) is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) supporting sustainable rural health and development projects in Ecuador. FHN works with a local health committee and representatives of the Ministry of Health in strengthening a primary health center in the El Páramo region in the north-west of the country. […]

Community-Based Tuberculosis Screening – a Double-Edged Sword?

10. April 2018

by Olivia Biermann. Tuberculosis (TB) is a major global health challenge – particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) End TB Strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals aim at ending the global TB epidemic by 2035, which will require intensified activity to increase TB case detection […]

21. wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Public Health (ÖGPH)

9. April 2018

23. bis 24. Mai, Wien, Österreich. Die ÖGPH Jahrestagung 2018 findet kurz vor der Österreichischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft statt. Der Vorsitz forciert gesetzgeberische und politische Entscheidungen und vermittelt Kompromisse unter den Mitgliedstaaten. In verschiedenen Ressorts – so auch im Gesundheitsbereich – wurden Schwerpunkte für die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft formuliert. Was bedeuten diese auf EU-Ebene […]

The 4th International Conference on Public Health 2018

29. März 2018

19th to 21st July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. The 4th International Conference on Public Health 2018 (ICOPH 2018) is the leading interdisciplinary platform for presentation of new and advanced research results in the field of Public Health. ICOPH 2018 is scheduled from 19th – 21st July 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand under the […]

ESCMID/ASM Conference on Drug Development to Meet the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance

5. März 2018

4th to 7th September 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. Antimicrobial drug resistance remains a pressing public health problem. There has been a resurgence in interest in tackling AMR. This conference focusses on the development of new antimicrobial agents for AMR. It is a multidisciplinary meeting that involves basic scientists, clinical academics, regulatory […]

Masterstudium Gesundheits-, Tourismus- und Sportmanagement

23. Februar 2018
FH Joanneum

Start: 01. Oktober 2018, Bad Gleichenberg, Österreich. Tage der Offenen Tür Open House Graz, Sa. 10.03.2018, 09:00-14:00, Eggenberger Allee 11, 8020 Graz Open House Bad Gleichenberg, Sa. 17.03.2018, 09:00 – 14:00 Uhr, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24, 8344 Bad Gleichenberg Das Masterstudium Gesundheits-, Tourismus- und Sportmanagement an der FH JOANNEUM Bad Gleichenberg bietet […]

4th Fuse International Conference on Knowledge Exchange in Public Health

1. Februar 2018

8th to 10th May 2018, Vancouver, Canada. Protecting the health of their citizens and preventing illness is a fundamental priority for communities, regions and countries around the world. Most have plans in place to guide their efforts and good public policy is integral to the success of those plans. As […]