Introduction to Epidemiology

2. August 2017

16th to 20th October 2017, Rome, Italy. From 16th to 20th October 2017 the course „Introduction to Epidemiology“ will take place in Rome, Italy. Public health and clinical research goals depend heavily on epidemiologic research. This introductory course in epidemiologic methods aims to provide participants with insight into the principles […]

European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE)

2. August 2017

6th to 8th November 2017, Stockholm, Sweden. ​ESCAIDE, the European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology, is a three-day annual scientific conference, open to the wider communicable disease surveillance community. It gathers around 500 – 600 professionals across all fields related to applied epidemiology. This includes, but is not limited to, epidemiologists, […]

Umwelt und Gesundheit

1. August 2017

30. bis 31. Oktober 2017 und 22. November 2017, Basel, Schweiz.         In diesem Kurs analysieren Sie komplexe Problemstellungen aus dem Themenbereich Umwelt und Gesundheit aus der Public-Health-Perspektive und setzen sich mit den besonderen Schwierigkeiten bei der entsprechenden Forschung auseinander. Dazu identifizieren Sie nationale und internationale Datenquellen […]

Assessing Public Health in Emergency Situations (APHES)

4. Mai 2017

3rd July to 14th July 2017, Brussels, Belgium. This 2-week course aims to familiarize health professionals with epidemiological techniques to assess the health impact of disasters and conflicts on affected communities. Interactive classes will be given by international experts with extensive experience in humanitarian settings. These will be complemented by […]

UCL Health and Society Summer School: Social Determinants of Health

2. Mai 2017

3rd to 7th July 2017, London, United Kingdom. The one week non-residential UCL Health and Society summer school „Social Determinants of Health“ will be held from 3rd to 7th July 2017 at UCL in central London. The summer school is organised by the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. It […]

Teaching Public Health through EU lenses

9. Februar 2017

by Alessandra Lafranconi, Kevin Rieger, Katarzyna Czabanowska und Marco Parenti. Already a few years ago, mainly during cultural activities proposed at the School of Medicine of the University of Milano-Bicocca, a gap has been noticed: medical students are willing to study and discuss health policies and politics, but often do […]

15th World Congress on Public Health

13. Dezember 2016

3rd to 7th April 2017, Melbourne, Australia. The 15th Congress on Public Health will take place in Melbourne, Australia. During the Congress there will be a Festival of Public Health to engage researchers, practitioners, academics, administrators, policy makers, industry representatives, students and stakeholders involved in public health from all over […]

31st International Papillomavirus Conference

5. Dezember 2016

28th February to 4th March 2017, Cape Town, South Africa. The 31st International Papillomavirus Conference & Clinical and Public Health Workshops will be held in Cape Town, South Africa. Through workshops, invited lectures, and oral and poster sessions presenting the latest research results, the conference will cover papillomavirus (PV) related topics from basic science […]

Universitätslehrgang Wundmanagement

9. November 2016

Start: 27.03.2017, Krems an der Donau, Österreich. Professionelles Wundmanagement ist eine Expertise der diplomierten Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege geworden. Im Kurz- und Langzeit- wie auch Homecare-Bereich bedarf es Pflegepersonen, die Patient/inn/en und Angehörige beraten und versorgen können, damit diese adäquate Unterstützung für das Leben mit einer Wunde und der Grunderkrankung erhalten. […]

Migrant integration policies and health inequalities in Europe

17. Oktober 2016

Margherita Giannoni, Luisa Franzini and Giuliano Masiero. Background Research on socio-economic determinants of migrant health inequalities has produced a large body of evidence. There is lack of evidence on the influence of structural factors on lives of fragile groups, frequently exposed to health inequalities. The role of poor socio-economic status and country level structural factors, […]