V. International Conference on Mental Health Care
„Mental Health: Global Challenges of XXI Century“

22. Juli 2021

21st to 23rd October 2021, Agrigento, Sicily, Italy. Mental Health Care (MHC) in the contemporary world has become a global problem with a number of negative consequences. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental and behavioural disorders are extremely common and affect up to 25% of all people in […]

17th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists

6. Juli 2021

1st to 5th September 2021, online In light of the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on international travel, the WFSA (World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists) and the CSARIM (Czech Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine) have taken the decision to move to an entirely virtual World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. […]

35. Jahrestagung der DGDC

6. Juli 2021

02. bis 04. September 2021, Hamburg, Deutschland. Die 35. Jahrestagung der DGDC (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dermatochirurgie) ist aus Gründen der Organisationssicherheit als digitaler Kongress geplant. Er bildet die komplette Bandbreite von der klassischen Dermatochirurgie, der Phlebologie und Lasermedizin bis zur Ästhetik ab. Begleitet wird der Kongress durch ein breites live […]

53. Alpenländisches Urologen-Symposium

9. Juni 2021

24. bis 26. Juni 2021, Saalfelden, Österreich. Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, liebe Urologinnen und Urologen der Zukunft, es freut mich sehr, Sie zum 53. Alpenländische Urologen-Symposium 2021 einzuladen. Dieses traditionsreiche Urologie-Diskussionsforum, welches von Hans Marberger und Georges Mayor als eine freundschaftliche Diskussionsplattform ins Leben gerufen wurde, wird dieses Jahr unter […]

Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement

2. Juni 2021

13th to 15th September 2021, online The More Minds, the BetterThis year’s Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement will bring together providers, researchers, educators, practice team members, and administrators to learn from others and share knowledge on transforming family medicine residency programs and clinical practices. You will learn to… • Work […]

ESC Congress 2021 – the Digital Experience

2. Juni 2021

27th to 30th August 2021, online ESC Congress is first and foremost a celebration of science. It’s all about challenging and inspiring cardiovascular professionals to discover and deliver the best care possible to their patients. It’s widely regarded as THE annual cardiology event in the calendar. In 2020 it was […]

World Microbe Forum

9. Mai 2021

20th to 24th June 2021, online. The World Microbe Forum is breaking barriers to sharing science and addressing the most pressing challenges facing humankind today. That’s why this year, ASM Microbe and FEMS Congress 2021 will be part of this unique event.  Explore the hottest topics in microbiology – from […]

EULAR 2021 Virtual Congress (Rheumatology)

9. Mai 2021

2nd to 5th June 2021, online. The EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology comprises the major event in the calendar of world rheumatology. The EULAR 2021 Virtual Congress will address a wide range of topics including clinical, translational and basic science. Sessions dedicated to People with Arthritis and Rheumatism in Europe (PARE), Health Professionals in […]

3. Fachtag Elektrotherapie

4. Mai 2021

29. Mai 2021, Wien, Österreich. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, im Namen von Herrn Univ.-Lektor Dr. Wolfgang Gruther, MSc, möchten wir Sie sehr herzlich zum „3. Fachtag Elektrotherapie“ am 29. Mai 2021 einladen. Aufgrund der bestehenden Covid-Situation wird der Fachtag als Hybridveranstaltung stattfinden. Aus diesem Grund haben Sie die Möglichkeit […]

Young Forum Gastein: Call for Scholarship Applications – Young Health Professionals Building a Resilient Future for Europe

12. April 2021
Young Forum Gastein: Call for scholarship applications

Applications possible until April 26th, 2021 Over the course of the last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and radically altered the political landscape. While we continue to fight fires on numerous fronts, there is an opportunity for renewal and rebirth amidst the ashes of this unprecedented crisis. Health […]