Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health

28. August 2017

13th to 17th November 2017, Dublin, Ireland. The global community is presented with an unprecedented challenge and an opportunity: to avert a potential 18 million health worker shortfall and shape increasing demand for additional health and social workforce jobs. In doing so, we will make progress towards universal health coverage […]

Preventive Cardiology, Cardiac Rehabilitation & Sports Cardiology

24. August 2017

20th to 23rd November 2017, Bern, Switzerland. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in most European countries. Secondary prevention has become a cornerstone of treatment, but a majority of coronary patients do not achieve guideline standards, predisposing them to progression of disease, recurrent events, and heart […]

Forschung und Entwicklung für vernachlässigte Erkrankungen fördern & unterstützen

24. August 2017

Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V., die DAHW Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe e.V., Brot für die Welt und die BUKO Pharma-Kampagne haben sich zusammengeschlossen und gemeinsam den Memento Preis für vernachlässigte Krankheiten ins Leben gerufen. Der Forschungspreis ist mit 5.000 Euro dotiert. Für den Memento Preis 2018 können sich Forscherinnen und Forscher […]

51st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Migration Medicine (ÖGTPM)

24. August 2017

16th to 18th November 2017, Linz, Austria. The motto of the conference will be “IT goes tropics” to emphasize the important role of modern media and methods in our field. The scientific program will cover a diversity of topics, including parasitology, tropical medicine, microbiology and travel medicine and will give researchers […]

ASID Trainee Weekend 2017

24. August 2017

24th to 26th November 2017, Melbourne, Australia. Delegates of the ASID (Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases) Trainee Weekend will spend 2-3 days undertaking didactic teaching in areas relevant to paediatric ID, adult ID and microbiology. Understanding that not all rotations are made equal and that the breadth of infectious diseases […]

10th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH)

23. August 2017

16th to 20th October 2017, Antwerp, Belgium.   The main objective of the European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH) 2017 is to provide a platform for state-of-the-art updates and recent breakthroughs in the field of tropical medicine and global health. Plenaries, scientific sessions and symposia will deal […]

Humanitäre Hilfe und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit – UPDATE SYMPOSIUM 2017

7. August 2017

Die Herausforderungen und Gegebenheiten in der Humanitären Hilfe (HH) und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) sind einem ständigen Wandel unterworfen. Dies beruht auf politischen Umständen, aber unter anderem auch auf sich ändernden Krankheitserregern bzw. deren Therapie. Auch wenn viele Grundsätze in der medizinischen Versorgung über die Jahre nicht an ihrer Gültigkeit verloren haben, […]

4. Fachtag Medikation im Alter

4. August 2017

06. Oktober 2017, Wien, Österreich. Das medikamentöse Management betagter Menschen stellt Ärztinnen und Ärzte vor große Herausforderungen – Anzahl und Art von Interaktionen, Nebenwirkungen sowie die damit verbundenen Risiken sind schwer überschaubar, zumal die im Alter häufige Polymorbidität die Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen erfordert. Vorrangiges Ziel des ärztlichen Handelns ist es, […]

5. International Symposium on Complications in GI Endoscopy

4. August 2017

2nd November 2017, Hamburg, Germany. Being committed endoscopists, we are all concerned that even minor invasive procedures may have side effects which might result in a so-called complication. The evolving advances, not only in image quality but also in invasive or surgical concepts and in patient care, need a permanent […]

Causal Inference Course

3. August 2017

18th to 22nd September 2017, Menorca, Spain. The 1st meeting of the International Programme of Advanced Epidemiology and Statistics introduces the Causal Inference course which includes three modules: Causal inference with directed graphs, Causal mediation and interaction analysis, and Methods to deal with attrition and missing data. The goal of […]