Statistical Methods for Business, Medicine and Social Science

8. November 2016

17th to 18th June 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom. This weekend course provides a good grounding in basic statistical methods. Such methods are useful in a wide variety of disciplines including social sciences, such as business studies, economics and psychology. The techniques include summarising, distributions, frequency, hypothesis testing and confidence. This […]

19. Internationales Endoskopie Symposium Düsseldorf

7. November 2016

02. bis 04. Februar 2016, Düsseldorf, Deutschland. Wir freuen uns, Sie herzlich zum 19. Internationalen Endoskopie Symposium Düsseldorf vom 2. bis 4. Februar 2017 in das Maritim Hotel Düsseldorf einzuladen. Seit unserem ersten Symposium haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, die neuesten Entwicklungen in der endoskopischen Bildgebung und minimal-invasiven Therapie bei […]

Fernlehrgang Emergency Management – Schnittstelle Notaufnahme

7. November 2016

Start: 05. April 2017, Nürnberg, Deutschland. Das Anforderungsspektrum in den Bereichen Erste Hilfe, Rettungsstellen, Notaufnahme und Ambulanzen rückt zunehmend in den Fokus der verschiedenen Organisationen des Gesundheitswesen. Alle, die in diesem Tätigkeitsspektrum arbeiten, müssen in kürzester Zeit Situationen korrekt einschätzen und entsprechende Behandlungen einleiten. Sie sind oft im emotionalen Spannungsfeld […]

Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene

7. November 2016

Start: 27th February 2017, Liverpool, United Kingdom. This programme is particularly useful for physicians who have trained in medicine in a developed country but intend to practise in the tropics. It is also useful for physicians already practising in developing countries who require an update on infectious, parasitic and other […]

Medicines in Health Systems Working Toward Universal Health Coverage (Self-Paced)

7. November 2016

Free online course. Many countries are reforming their health systems working toward universal health coverage (UHC). These reforms can be harnessed to increase equity in medicines access, affordability, and appropriate use of medicines. However, they also have the potential to decrease the effectiveness of prescribing and dispensing, increase unnecessary use […]

Erasmus+ Project – Nursing on the Move

20. Oktober 2016

The e-learning platform will be launched in October 2017 and then available for users. Eight partners with medical, academic and training backgrounds have started an intensive collaboration to develop an e-learning platform and on-the-job-communication tool for nurses. Under the coordination of the University of Antwerp participants from Austria, Belgium, Finland, Italy, South-Africa, Spain […]

8th International Symposium on Global Mental Health

17. Oktober 2016

29th October 2016, Munich, Germany. The International Network for Cooperation in Mental Health (i.nez), the Global Mental Health GroupLMU from the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Center for International Health CIHLMU, are organizing the 8th International Symposium on “Global Mental Health – Mental Health in Developing Countries”. The symposium is open […]

Migrant integration policies and health inequalities in Europe

17. Oktober 2016

Margherita Giannoni, Luisa Franzini and Giuliano Masiero. Background Research on socio-economic determinants of migrant health inequalities has produced a large body of evidence. There is lack of evidence on the influence of structural factors on lives of fragile groups, frequently exposed to health inequalities. The role of poor socio-economic status and country level structural factors, […]

Universitätslehrgänge „Gesundheitsmanagement und Public Health“ und „Krankenhausmanagement“

13. Oktober 2016

Start: November 2016, Krems, Österreich (späterer Einstieg noch möglich). Im November 2016 startet der nächste Universitätslehrgang „Health Care Management“ mit den Fachvertiefungen „Gesundheitsmanagement und Public Health“ bzw. „Krankenhausmanagement“ an der Donau-Universität Krems. Bewerbungen werden gerne noch entgegengenommen – ein späterer Einstieg ist auf Anfrage noch möglich. Mit dem Ziel, Einrichtungen […]

Biological Therapeutics

13. Oktober 2016

7th to 11th November 2016, Oxford, United Kingdom. The Biological Therapeutics short course will focus on emerging areas of medicine using nucleic acids as drugs and also using treatments based on stem cells and bioengineered tissues, including the combined technologies reflecting uses of genetically modified stem cells. Starting from well […]