Erasmus+ Project Nursing on the Move

3. Oktober 2016

Are you a professional or a pre-professional nurse? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers? Have you ever been in this situation? Not knowing how to comfort a […]

Background of the Erasmus+ Project Nursing on the Move – Why do we need Nursing on the Move?

3. Oktober 2016

Project summary written by Prof. Kris van de Poel, University of Antwerp Nursing is a mobile profession. Large-scale, targeted recruitment by developed countries to address domestic shortages (Report open consultation Green Paper European Workforce for Health 2009) intensifies the need for focused communication training for nurses and other medical care […]

International Conference “Advances in Medical & Health Sciences”

29. September 2016

23rd to 25th November 2016, Muang, Chiang Rai, Thailand. The Mae Fah Luang University International Conference (MFUIC), started in 2012, is a biennial international conference arranged by Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand, in order to bring together distinguished researchers in diverse fields from around the world. MFUIC2016, the 3rd Biennial meeting, is aimed […]

It’s crunch time! – #EHFG2016 on demography and diversity about to kick off

16. September 2016

It is unbelievable, but only one week to go until the 19th European Health Forum Gastein opens its doors. The final programme has gone to print; the most up-to-date information is always available online. What we are doing this close to the conference? Printing badges, finalising logistics, booking the last […]

Mit Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Haiti

16. September 2016

Wie man komplexe Verletzungen mit einfachen Mitteln erfolgreich behandelt. Der steirische Anästhesist Johannes Smonig war 2013 auf seinem ersten Einsatz mit Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Haiti. Dort arbeitete er im Traumazentrum in der Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince, wo Unfall- und Gewaltopfer kostenlos chirurgisch versorgt werden. Im Herbst 2015 kehrte er erneut dorthin […]

Learning a language in half a year? That is possible

15. September 2016

Going International is partner of the Erasmus+ project Nursing on the Move (NoM). NoM is an intensive collaboration to develop a range of tools for e-learning and on-the-job communication for the nursing profession. Under the coordination of the University of Antwerp participants from Austria, Belgium, Finland, Italy, South-Africa, Spain and Sweden are engaged […]

Communication Tips – Summarising

15. September 2016

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a professional or a pre-professional? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers? Summarising is closely related to paraphrasing, but it […]

The Disappointments Room

15. September 2016

THE SIMPLE TRANSFORMATION OF USERS IN PATIENTS VIA AN ONLINE APPOINTMENT SYSTEM FOR YOUR WEBSITE! Providing an online appointment system on your website offers patient an efficient and convenient way to reserve an appointment with his desired Healthcare Professional. Next to the automatization of the booking process, a two way sync with Google calendar, […]

POC Vienna 2016 – Prevention Models of Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases

15. September 2016

11th to 12th November 2016, Vienna, Austria. The WHO declared obesity – especially in children and adolescents – as the most challenging health problem of the 21st century. Recent data from more than 19 million participants indicate that if the post 2000 trends continue, by 2025 global obesity prevalence will […]

One Health EcoHealth 2016

15. September 2016

3rd to 7th December 2016, Melbourne, Australia. The Congress will be a ‘meeting of the minds’ for researchers, policy makers and practitioners who are working towards more integrated approaches and effective responses to complex global health challenges. The program brings together a formidable array of outstanding science, knowledge and expertise […]