Involved in a cross-border health project? Apply now for the 10th European Health Award!

8. März 2016

In the run-up to the 19th European Health Forum Gastein, this year themed “Demographics and Diversity in Europe – New Solutions for Health”, which will take place in Austria´s Gastein Valley from 28th September to 30th September 2016, the International Forum Gastein is welcoming applications for the European Health Award […]

Communication Tips – Providing a Rationale

8. März 2016

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a professional or a pre-professional? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers? During a consultation, it is important that […]

Echo in Africa

1. März 2016

Start: 9th May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa. Echo in Africa is a collaborative project between the British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) and SUNheart which takes place at Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town South Africa. Now in its third year, BSE members are invited to volunteer to take part in […]

The VII Conference on Childhood Studies: Childhood in Everyday Life

29. Februar 2016

6th to 8th June 2016, Turku, Finland. The Conference on Childhood Studies is a well-established multidisciplinary forum for research on children and childhood. It brings together researchers from various disciplines as well as attendees interested in childhood research. The conference has been held annually since 2008 in different parts of Finland and […]

Study at Radboud University!

29. Februar 2016

About Radboud University and the Faculty of Medical Sciences The Netherlands are a very international, open minded country. We welcome international students and visitors from all over the world! Radboud University is a student-oriented university, where you can assure yourself of a top-flight education. In our educational approach individual responsibility, independence […]


15. Februar 2016

  Denkt man an Webseiten im Gesundheitsbereich, erliegt man leicht der Versuchung, anzunehmen, dass nur die fähigsten Designer und Entwickler in diesem Bereich arbeiten, um ausschließlich die besten und benutzerfreundlichsten Seiten zu erstellen. Die Realität sieht allerdings oft anders aus. Gerade bei kleinen skalierten Projekten, wie etwa Ordinationswebseiten oder Webseiten […]

Main Theme of the 19th European Health Forum Gastein

12. Februar 2016

28th to 30th September 2016, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. The main theme for the 19th European Health Forum Gastein has been announced: Demographics and Diversity in Europe – New Solutions for Health It is no news that life expectancy at birth keeps increasing – on average by three to four months […]

An Economy for the 1%

12. Februar 2016

How privilege and power in the economy drive extreme inequality and how this can be stopped. The gap between rich and poor is reaching new extremes. Credit Suisse recently revealed that the richest 1% have now accumulated more wealth than the rest of the world put together. This occurred a […]

Echo- und Dopplersonographiekurse

12. Februar 2016

Start: Februar 2016, Salzburg, Österreich. Neben Vorträgen für PatientInnen zu gesundheitspolitisch relevanten Themen wie Osteoporose, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und Bluthochdruck kann beim Verein zur Fortbildung für PatientInnen, ÄrztInnen und Assistenzpersonal (VFPAA) die Aus- und Fortbildung für Echo- und Dopplersonographie absolviert werden. Der Verein wird von OÄ Dr. Barbara Dietze, Fachärztin für Innere […]

SHE – School of Health Professions Education

11. Februar 2016

Who’s SHE The Maastricht School of Health Professions Education (SHE) in the Netherlands is a graduate school for education, research and innovation in health professions education. SHE provides high quality multidisciplinary research and teaching aimed at the improvement of health professions education. SHE designs courses to innovate health professions and […]