ECCRT – European Centre for Clinical Research Training

11. Februar 2016

Mission Our mission is to provide clinical research professionals with competencies to develop new therapies for patients quicker & more efficient, without jeopardizing quality. The ECCRT is a professional clinical research training provider focussing on the transfer of implementable knowledge in the day-to-day activities of our participants. We are not […]

Travelers’ Health – Mobile Apps

8. Februar 2016

2016 Yellow Book CDC Health Information for International Travel (commonly called the Yellow Book) is published every two years by CDC as a reference for those who advise international travelers about health risks. The Yellow Book is written primarily for health professionals, although others will find it useful. Key Features […]

21. Linzer Reisemedizinische Tagung

27. Januar 2016

01. bis 02. April 2016, Linz, Österreich. Die 21. Linzer Reisemedizinische Tagung steht unter dem Motto  “Mission impossible – Herausforderungen an die moderne Reisemedizin”. Es erwarten Sie aktuelle Themen, hervorragende Referenten, stimulierende Diskussionen – und all das in einem angenehmen Ambiente einschließlich hervorragender Verpflegung (im Preis inbegriffen). Nach nunmehr 20 […]

5th Annual Global Healthcare Conference

25. Januar 2016

18th to 19th July 2016, Singapore. Conference Theme A healthy way of life should be every individual’s goal. However, healthcare privileges differ across societies and require the combined efforts of government, the private sector, the public and health workers themselves to ensure both the accessibility and affordability of healthcare services. […]

Master of Public Health

18. Januar 2016

Start: September 2016, Burnaby, Canada. The Master of Public Health (MPH) program is a practice-based graduate degree that trains students in a breadth of research and practice intended to improve population health. It is the first Anglophone program in Canada to be accredited by the Council on Education for Public […]

Communication Tips – Directive Skills Part 5: The Importance of Descriptive Language

14. Januar 2016

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move. Are you a professional or a pre-professional? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers? During consultations, practitioners need to consider what […]

Global Health and Infectious Diseases Courses in London

13. Januar 2016

Start: September 2016, London, Great Britain Are you interested in the global health issues facing the world’s poorest countries? Do you want to learn more about the various healthcare methods in Europe? Are you passionate about improving health worldwide? Then join us at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical […]


11. Januar 2016

    With the term “healthcare” in mind, one tends to think that only the best designers and engineers are hired to work in this field, building only the best and most usable websites and applications available on the market. Meanwhile in the real world they do not (most of […]

15. Internationaler Maritimer Kongress

10. Januar 2016

21. bis 26. Mai 2017, Alcudia, Mallorca, Spanien.   Unser Wissen um die Entstehung und Behandlung des Mammakarzinoms verdoppelt sich derzeit nahezu alle 2 Jahre und neue Strategien in der Diagnostik und Behandlung finden zunehmend Eingang in die klinische Praxis. Hierzu zählen vor allen Dingen neue Erkenntnisse in der bildgebenden und […]

Global Health and Humanitarianism

8. Januar 2016

15th February to 27th March 2016, online course. Is humanitarianism an effective, justifiable and sustainable response to ill-health, inequality, injustice and war? Global health is public health at the global level. It deals with the interconnections between people from all over the world. It is based on the idea that […]