International Public Health Course

4. März 2024

Selfpaced, online. International public health is the field devoted to the health improvement of all people – especially those who live on society’s margins. This INMED course is built around the Human Development Index, and emphasizes how health is increased through promotion of literacy and general education, economic development and […]

The People, Power, and Pride of Public Health

4. März 2024

Selfpaced, online. The People, Power, and Pride of Public Health provides an engaging overview of the incredible accomplishments and promise of the public health field. The first module includes interviews with legendary public health figures whose work led to millions of lives saved with vaccines, air bags and car seats, […]

Cancer Survivorship: Optimizing Care and Outcomes

1. März 2024

Self-paced, online. The goals of this CME program are to increase awareness among clinicians about the need for comprehensive cancer survivorship care and specific areas where improved survivorship care can lead to improved patient outcomes. This program will educate participants regarding the evolving evidence surrounding the unique medical risks and […]

Grundkurs A Theorie Alpin- und Höhenmedizin

1. März 2024

6. bis 7. Juni 2024, Hall in Tirol, Österreich. In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Alpin- und Höhenmedizin nachhaltig entwickelt. Sind es doch nicht mehr nur einige Wenige, die sich auf die höchsten Berge der Welt begeben, sondern bedingt durch den Wachstumsmarkt der Trekkingangebote bereits mehrere hunderttausend Personen, die […]

Postgraduate Course Lung & Pleural Diseases 2024

1. März 2024

5th to 11th June 2024, Graz, Austria. We are pleased to announce the next Postgraduate Course Lung & Pleural Diseases, which will take place from 5th to 11th June 2024 in Graz, Austria. This two part-course is designed as live event and will run for six days:  Part I:Tumor Pathology, June […]

8. Fachtag Medizinethik

12. Februar 2024

15. März 2024, Wien, Österreich und online. Herzliche Einladung zum 8. Fachtag Medizinethik der unter dem Hauptthema „Interkulturelle Kompetenz in Medizin & Pflege“ am 15.03.2024 in Wien & online stattfinden wird. Unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martina Schmidhuber, Professur für Health Care Ethics, Universität Graz und Univ.-Prof. Dr. […]

15th Training Course for Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery

12. Februar 2024

15th to 18th September 2024, Innsbruck, Austria. Focus Valve 2023 was the most successful course in our history. We were happy to greet more than 260 participants from 40 different countries who were able to watch live surgeries, discuss and interact with masters of minimally invasive and endoscopic valve procedures. This year we keep […]

Neu auftretende Atemwegsviren, einschließlich COVID-19: Methoden zur Erkennung, Prävention, Reaktion und Kontrolle

12. Februar 2024

Self-paced, online. Coronaviren sind eine große Familie von Viren, von denen bekannt ist, dass sie Krankheiten verursachen, die von Erkältungen bis hin zu schwereren Erkrankungen wie dem Atemwegssyndrom im Nahen Osten (MERS) und dem schweren akuten Atemwegssyndrom (SARS) reichen. Ein neuartiges Coronavirus (COVID-19) wurde 2019 in Wuhan, China, identifiziert. Dabei […]

BSc Public Health

9. Februar 2024

Year of entry: 2024, Distance/Blended Learning. The area of public health is a growing and important area and a career in this sector provides you with the chance to really make a difference to people’s lives and wellbeing. In choosing Manchester you can be confident you are receiving the most […]

Antibiotic Stewardship

15. Januar 2024

Online, self-paced. Antibiotics are among the most frequently prescribed classes of drugs and it is estimated that approximately 50% of antibiotic use, in both the outpatient and inpatient settings, is inappropriate. At the same time, in contrast to any other class of drugs, every antibiotic use has a potential public […]