Analysing Disrupted Health Systems (ADHS)

7. Juni 2023

14th to 25th August 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands. If you are a health professional working in or with countries in crisis, working as health personnel in government institutions, NGOs, UN agencies and humanitarian organisations or as an independent consultant, then this course is intended for you. This 10-day residential training programme for health […]

Health Care Economics

7. Juni 2023

9th August to 20th September 2023, online. What are the primary drivers of rising health care costs? How does money shape your decision-making as a patient? As a provider? As a payer? Even for those within the health care industry, the economics of the United States health care system are […]

Identifying and navigating ethical issues in public health

12. Mai 2023

21st to 23rd August 2023, Lugano Switzerland or online. Public health policy, practice, and research entail numerous ethical challenges. How should one decide what the right thing to do is? This course will equip participants with the tools, skills, and know-how that are necessary to assess and deal with ethical […]

Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs

12. Mai 2023

Self-paced, online. Despite medical and technological advances, half of the world’s population lacks access to essential health services, and over 8.9 million preventable deaths occur every year. There is an acute global shortage of health workers, a gap that will grow to 18 million by 2030. Studies show that training […]

BSc Global Health (intercalated)

23. März 2023

beginning September 2023, University of Manchester, England. BSc Global Health is designed for medical students who want to prepare themselves to be a global doctor, by enhancing their knowledge about the inter-connectedness of health and its determinants. This course analyses the impact of major social, economic, political, cultural, and environmental […]

Advanced IHL Seminar for Academics and Policymakers

23. März 2023

28th August to 1st September 2023, Geneva, Switzerland. Organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, the Advanced IHL seminar for academics and humanitarian policymakers aims to enhance the capacity of academics to teach and research international humanitarian […]

Allergy Academy GP Study Day 2023

23. März 2023

29th June 2023, London, United Kingdom. The Allergy Academy are delighted to announce that we are hosting a study day for GPs in Summer 2023 covering food allergy, respiratory and skin disease in children. Whilst focused on the needs of primary care colleagues this course will be appropriate for any […]

Jetzt wichtiger denn je: Management und Führung: MSc Health Sciences & Leadership

7. März 2023

Start: September 2023, Salzburg, Österreich. Wer den 6-semestrigen Universitätslehrgang Health Sciences & Leadership in Salzburg besucht, beschäftigt sich mit den für eine Führungsposition im Gesundheitswesen essenziellen Themen Health Sciences, Management und Leadership.  Leadership startet mit der Frage: Wie möchte ich selbst geführt werden? Was ist mir wichtig? Und wie kann […]

Introduction to Data Science with Python

1. März 2023

Self-paced, online. Every single minute, computers across the world collect millions of gigabytes of data. What can you do to make sense of this mountain of data? How do data scientists use this data for the applications that power our modern world? Data science is an ever-evolving field, using algorithms […]

Health-care associated infection surveillance

1. März 2023

Self-paced, online. Hundreds of millions of patients around the world are affected by health care-associated infections (HAI). Every day HAI result in prolonged hospital stays, long-term disability, increased resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobials, massive additional costs for health systems, emotional and personal burden for patients and their family, and unnecessary […]