Clinical Management of HIV

7. Dezember 2022

10th April to 18th June 2023, online. This course provides a global perspective on the diagnoses and clinical management of HIV. Learn from experts in the field, who provide real world examples of diagnosing and treating HIV and STIs, both resource-rich and resource-constrained settings. Format This online graduate-level course has […]

Allgemeine Innere Medizin Update Refresher

2. November 2022

24. bis 28. Jänner 2023, Basel, Schweiz oder online. Der Allgemeine Innere Medizin Update Refresher findet vom 24. Januar 2023 bis 28. Januar 2023 in Basel statt. Mit  über 1500 teilnehmenden Ärzten an 4 Standorten gehören unsere Allgemeine Innere Medizin Update Refresher zu den grössten und beliebtesten Fortbildungen für Fachpersonen für Allgemeine Innere Medizin in […]

Online English for Doctors

2. November 2022

selfpaced, online. This online English for Doctors course enables you to learn the English you need to study and work in an English-speaking healthcare environment, network internationally and keep up with research published in English. ABOUT THE COURSE The course takes you through the language used throughout the patient journey, […]

The Many Faces of Dementia

2. November 2022

selfpaced, online. Dementia is one of the foremost priorities in global health and is estimated to affect over 44 million people worldwide. This has a huge impact on individuals and on society, so improvements in understanding, care and treatments are desperately needed. In this online course, you’ll discover key issues […]

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) in the context of COVID-19

22. September 2022

selfpaced, online. This course provides information on what facilities should be doing to be prepared to respond to a case of an emerging respiratory virus such as the novel coronavirus, how to identify a case once it occurs, and how to properly implement IPC measures to ensure there is no […]

Caring for People with Psychosis and Schizophrenia

22. September 2022

selfpaced, online. Psychosis conditions, including schizophrenia, are treatable mental health problems that can affect anyone although very few people talk about the conditions and their impact on families. Millions of people across the globe find themselves thrust unexpectedly into a role providing support and care when a relative develops psychosis. […]

Measles in the 21th century: Is eradication possible and how?

21. September 2022

8th to 10th March 2023, Paris, France. ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course To understand all the current aspects of measles in the 21th century, to provide an up-to-date assessment on the feasibility of measles eradication, to identify the optimal strategies to be implemented for measles eradication and to provide a plan […]

Update in Internal Medicine

21. September 2022

4th to 10th December 2022, via Livestream. This course will be live-streamed and includes real-time audience-response questions, live demonstrations and interactive Q&A sessions allowing you to pose specific questions to our expert faculty via online chat. All presentations and course materials will be available immediately to watch and review at […]

Fundamentals of Search & Rescue

7. September 2022

13th to 16th October 2022, Northumberland, UK. Get a glimpse inside the world of search and rescue with this one-of-a-kind four day course. You’ll experience a highly practical syllabus which we can bring to you thanks to an exclusive partnership with the Northumberland Mountain Rescue team who work with us […]

Addiction Medicine: An Introduction

7. September 2022

self-paced, online. An introduction to the science, neurobiology, and stigma surrounding addiction. Addiction is a disease that continues to cost the global community a staggering amount, both financially and in lives lost. Overcome the treatment barriers for patients with a substance use disorder Despite these consequences, patients with substance use disorders (SUD) […]